Welsh language Standards Annual Report
Policy making
The Council has a responsibility, when formulating a new policy or reviewing/revising an existing policy, to consider the effect that a policy decision has on the opportunities for persons to use the Welsh language.
For the 2022/3 Welsh Language Standards Annual Report a review was undertaken of all formal decisions taken by Council, Cabinet and independent cabinet members (and for which an integrated impact assessment was required) in respect of the Welsh Language Standards on policy development taken between 01/04/22 and 31/03/24. There were a number of lapses in the Integrated Impact Assessment processes including decreased effectiveness as a tool to support decisions due to some assessments being undertaken later in the project cycle. Additional guidance in relation to the Welsh language elements of the Integrated Impact Assessment has been added to corporate guidance.
For 2023/4, a similar review was undertake on a sample of the formal decisions taken. There continue to be some lapses in Integrated Impact Assessment processes, for example, for some assessments there is limited information included within the impact assessment on the Welsh language. It should be noted that this type of review exercise does not provide precise year on year assessment.
During 2024/5, we will review the Corporate Integrated Impact Assessment process. This review is in response to a number of factors including guidance published on the Welsh Language Commissioner’s website in relation to the findings of a recent tribunal involving the Welsh language policy making standards. This guidance will be used to support the review process. Following review, the revised Integrated Impact Assessment template and guidance will be piloted and tested to ensure that they are practical and simple to use, and meet our duties. Their required use to support formal decision making will be promoted to all staff to remind them of this requirement.