Welsh in Education Strategic Plan
Welsh in Education Strategic Plan
This Welsh in Education Strategic Plan is made under Section 84 of The School Standards and Organisation (Wales) Act 2013. We have given due regard to the statutory guidance issued by Welsh Ministers when setting our targets.
Our ten year vision for increasing and improving the planning of the provision of Welsh-medium education in our area
Our vision for the next 10 years is as follows:
To ensure that all pupils are able to access Welsh Medium Education of the highest standard
…and that this is based on the following key principles:
- To recognise every child’s right to learn Welsh and to promote the benefits of bilingualism;
- To increase the percentage of pupils opting for Welsh medium education and to ensure that it is available to all learners, within reasonable travelling distance from their homes;
- To build upon past achievements and to promote the highest academic standards possible
- That learners who have attended a Welsh medium setting in the primary phase will be encouraged and expected to continue with this when transferring to subsequent key stages in the secondary phase.
Our overarching 10 year target can be articulated as follows:
To increase the number of Year 1 pupils being taught through the medium of Welsh by between 82 to 127 pupils; this is calculated as follows:
Description |
Baseline 2020 |
2030/31 target (minimum) |
2030/31 target (aspirational) |
Cohort size | 1282 | 1136 | 1136 |
Pupils receiving education through the medium of Welsh | 293 | 375 | 420 |
Percentage | 22.9% | 33% | 37% |
Additional pupils required to meet target | not applicable | 82 | 127 |
In view of the location and linguistic make-up of our schools currently, we have the following strategies to achieve the target increase in Year 1 children taught through the medium of Welsh:
- That in relation to schools currently in transition, all parents are made aware that children will be taught through the medium of Welsh. Currently, we have one school in the TR category, Ysgol Croesgoch, which is becoming Welsh Medium over time;
- To convert schools currently categorised as DS (Dual Stream) to become fully Welsh Medium, or by seeking to significantly strengthen the Welsh medium offer. This process will result in these schools being in a transitional status for some time as the English stream is phased out.
- To establish new Welsh medium schools in areas where there is currently no provision. In such cases, it may be necessary to include projects in a future capital programme.
- To work with schools to increase capacity where there is evidence of demand in the area
- To extend the catchment areas of existing Welsh medium primary schools in order to reach into areas where there is currently no such provision. This will need to consider a number of factors, including potential additional school transport costs.
It should be noted that a number of the above will require approval by Cabinet, or in instances where a School Organisation process is required, approval by full Council. There is no attempt here to pre-determine any decision to be made by either of the above bodies.
On the basis of assumptions made in relation to the above, the trajectory of growth in pupil numbers in Year 1 annually can be shown as follows:
Outcome one: More nursery children/ three year olds receive their education through the medium of Welsh
Outcome two: More reception class children/ five year olds receive their education through the medium of Welsh
Outcome three: More children continue to improve their Welsh language skills when transferring from one stage of their statutory education to another
Outcome four: More learners study for assessed qualifications in Welsh (as a subject) and subjects through the medium of Welsh
Outcome five: More opportunities for learners to use Welsh in different contexts in school
Outcome six: An increase in the provision of Welsh-medium education for pupils with additional learning needs (ALN) (in accordance with the duties imposed by the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018
Outcome 7: Increase the number of teaching staff able to teach Welsh (as a subject) and teach through the medium of Welsh
How we will work with others to achieve our vision
The Pembrokeshire Welsh in Education Forum has played a key role in the development of this draft WESP and will continue to do so during the spring term of 2022 in formulating an action plan for the first 5 years of its lifetime. We recognise that the Council’s partners in the Welsh in Education Forum are key to the successful delivery of the WESP as follows:
- Mudiad Meithrin – providing sound pre-school foundations in a Welsh medium setting.
- Urdd Gobaith Cymru – providing appropriate opportunities for children and young people to utilise their Welsh language skills in different contexts both inside and outside the school gates.
- Pembrokeshire College – increasing vocational provision through the medium of Welsh is key in complementing the existing 6th form provision. However, it will be important to monitor the post 16 pathways of learners as they leave compulsory education.
- Dysgu Sir Benfro – valuable opportunities for adults to learn Welsh, particularly parents of children attending Welsh medium settings, and other family members.
- Menter Iaith Sir Benfro – valuable community focused activities to provide opportunities for children and young people to use their language skills in community settings.
Following the publication of the WESP in September 2022, the Forum will play a pivotal role in monitoring the progress of targets and outcomes prior to the formal challenge and scrutiny of the Council’s Schools and Learning Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and annual reporting to both Cabinet and Welsh Government