UK Shared Prosperity Funding
Annex A – Programme Outputs and Outcomes
Output |
Definition |
Audit Evidence – check below |
Number of organisations receiving grants |
Number of organisations receiving grants. |
Project Monitoring Database, Monitoring Claim Form and supporting evidence |
Number of facilities supported/created |
The number of new amenities/facilities created or improved.
Monitoring Claim Form and supporting evidence, designs, photos |
Number of facilities supported/created (numerical value) |
The number of new amenities/facilities created or improved. |
End of project report, photos, design plans |
Number of local events or activities supported |
Number of local events or activities supported. An event refers to planned activities. These should fall into the below categories:
Details of planned event i.e., marketing and promotion, photos |
Amount of green or blue space created or improved (m2) |
The total square meterage of green or blue space completed or improved.
Details of proposal, designs, photos |
Number of trees planted |
Number of new trees planted by project. |
List of types of trees planted, photos |
Number of events/participatory programmes |
Number of events and/or participatory programmes.
Details of proposed event, marketing and promotion materials, photos |
Number of volunteering opportunities supported |
Number of organised volunteering roles supported as a direct result of the intervention. This includes opportunities for people to volunteer on a regular basis, and opportunities for one-off volunteering. |
Signed confirmation from volunteer of role undertaken directly relating to SPF support.
Completed volunteer timesheet.
Number of projects successfully completed
The number of individual projects completed in the last 6-month period. |
Monitoring Claim Forms and supporting evidence |
Number of people reached (numerical value) |
Number of people directly impacted by the UKSPF intervention. The definition of direct impact will vary across interventions.
Project Monitoring Database |
Outcome |
Definition |
Audit Evidence |
Number of jobs created |
Number of jobs created as a direct result of the supported project (cannot relate to delivery staff) |
Signed confirmation from employer of newly created job, recruitment process, job advert |
Jobs safeguarded |
A safeguarded job is a permanent and paid job that was at risk prior to support being provided, and which the support helped the business to retain. |
Signed confirmation from employer of safeguarded job |
Increased users of facilities/amenities |
The increase in number of users of facilities/amenities. Users are the people using facilities/amenities. Amenity/facility means any service contained within a physical structure, including, but not limited to, magistrates courts, police stations, town halls, cultural institutions, hospitals and public toilets.
Reporting will also facilitate the option to report a decrease metric. |
Evidence of number of users |
Improved engagement numbers |
The increase in number of individuals engaged in the local area / activity during the last 12 months. Engagement can include physical and digital engagements.
What is classed as the 'local area' where events are recorded should remain consistent throughout the collection e.g., should not include/ exclude events in neighbouring locations which were excluded/included in previous returns.
Evidence of attendance numbers, website/app visits, photos |
Number of community-led arts, cultural, heritage and creative programmes as a result of support |
Number of programmes started because of support provided by UKSPF interventions. This indicator focuses on programmes that are led by the community groups (self-governing and not for profit group or organisation which works for the public benefit) and focuses on the topics of arts, culture, heritage. |
Details of programmes delivered, marketing and promotion, photos |
Number of volunteering opportunities created as a result of support |
The number of organised volunteering roles created as a direct result of the intervention. This includes opportunities for people to volunteer on a regular basis, and opportunities for one-off volunteering.
- Formal volunteering refers to those who have given unpaid help via a group, club, or organisation: for example, leading a group, administrative support or befriending or mentoring people. |
Details of volunteers roles created, number of hours |