Transport Strategy

Major Schemes

Major Funding for Highways and Transportation

Our Transport Team are committed to making traveling around Pembrokeshire as accessible, safe and easy for all users to really benefit from what our beautiful County has to offer. Whether travel consists of commuting to work, shopping, tourism, or visiting friends and family we want to provide a good quality transport network that works for everyone. This is why your feedback is important to us so that we can plan and deliver in a sustainable way.

How are major transport schemes funded?

Pembrokeshire County Council is responsible for a number of transport improvement schemes across the County. Funding is allocated from the Welsh Assembly to help meet the transport objectives set out and to satisfy locally identified priorities, this could include road and footway maintenance schemes or transport and environmental improvements. Each project typically requires a 10% investment from Pembrokeshire County Council in match funding; in some rare cases, the entire project can be funded by Welsh Government.

How are schemes selected for funding?

Schemes are nominated by Local County Councillors, local resident groups or are identified where improvements could be made by Transport Officers. Schemes are then assessed on a priority matrix against: environmental, economic, social benefit, finance and deliverability criteria. Benefits on access to facilities, land use, impact on walking, wheeling and cycling, impact on road users and overall deliverability are also considered. Should the scheme score highly in these areas this Authority would have to go through the WelTAG (Welsh Transport Assessment Guidance) process where options are discussed and assessed based on their scope, benefit, costings and time. Following this, a business case is put together and submitted to Welsh Government which weighs up all the aspects of the proposal ensuring that the costs are in line with the benefits of the project.

What happens next?

The deadline for submission of grant applications for Welsh Government Transport Grant funding in the 25/26 Financial Year was 20th December 2024. It is hoped that award of funding will be made by Welsh Government before the end of March 2025 to enable works to commence on successful schemes and initiatives at the start of the new financial year.  

How can I find out more?

Our on-going schemes are published below:

Haverfordwest PTI

Milford Haven PTI

Saundersfoot Active Travel Schemes

Milford Haven –Steynton to Studdolph Shared Use Path

Tenby – The Croft to Tenby Rail Station

Porthgain for All 

Contact us

For more infomation please email

Tel: 01437 764551

ID: 10839, revised 21/01/2025