Transport Strategy
Milford Haven Public Transport Interchange
What is the scheme for?
The Milford Haven Public Transport Interchange (MHPTI) scheme involves improvement works to the existing Milford Haven train station to create a new public transport interchange. This requires the relocation of the existing rail platform to allow for the provision of a new bus interchange, taxi rank, formalised car park, public realm spaces and improved Active Travel links. The platform relocation will also enable intercity services to and from London to use the station, in line with the Council’s and Transport for Wales’s long-term ambition to provide more regular rail services and better connectivity to more destinations.
What is the scheme going to achieve?
The proposed interchange will better facilitate integration of all transport modes with the aim to improve public transport services and promote active transport, therefore enhancing connectivity and accessibility for residents, businesses and visitors of the area. Furthermore, the high-quality facilities and public realm improvements delivered as part of this scheme will encourage visitors and local residents to enjoy the area, stimulate local economic growth by making Milford Haven a vibrant, attractive and safe place to be.
Why is there a need for the scheme?
The 2021 Census showed that approximately 42% of all households do not have access to vehicle or do not drive; meaning public transport plays an important role in the County’s mobility and connectivity. Specifically, 15% of all households do not own a car or van. This scheme will address the need to improve the public transport offering, integration and connectivity in Milford Haven and its environs in order to improve transport options for all.
What are the main aims of the scheme?
- Provide a public transport interchange including a bus focal point and coach pick-up / drop-off point connected to the station
- Provide an improved railway station
- Improve passenger amenities, facilities and security at the station
- Provision of a new car park with Electric Vehicle / Hydrogen charging facility and taxi rank
- Improve built environment of station from a visual and landscape perspective
- Improve accessibility to transport facilities and the town core areas
- Improve Active Travel connectivity to the public transport interchange
- Create sustainable access links within and between the town core areas.
- Futureproof the railway by increasing patronage and supporting an enhanced railway service to Milford Haven (i.e. the London rail service)
- Connect Local Communities
- Limit the amount of environmental damage and emission from private vehicle usage, creating a greener way to travel.
How will the scheme be paid for?
This Authority has submitted a bid report under the Local Transport Capital Grant Fund to the Welsh Government for the financial year 2025/2026. This is match funded by PCC, up to 11%.
When will works commence and how long will it take to complete?
It is forecast that commencement of construction will be October 2025 with the expected completion being October 2026.
How can I find out more information?
Our website will be updated accordingly as this scheme progresses.
Contact us:
For more information, please email
Tel: 01437 764551