Transforming Day Opportunities

Project Updates

The service has been renamed to the Day Opportunities Information Team. The service will be using the booking platform currently used within our Leisure services; this will allow our Service Users to make informed decisions around the day opportunities they wish to attend before purchasing. There will be the opportunity for taster sessions prior to starting an activity with many of our providers. This will give our providers time to undertake their own Risk Assessments prior to a Service Users weekly attendance. 


As of 21st August 2023, the service is now open to referrals for service users in South West of Pembrokeshire and are looking for providers who can service the South West area. 

We are now also open to applications from providers in the South East area, and look forward to starting to register providers from the South East area onto the Day Opportunities framework.




ID: 4683, revised 23/08/2023