Tenders and Contracts

Tenders and Contracts Information





Procurement Contact

Start Date

End Date 

Extension Period

Catering Concession for a Café  / Coffee Shop at Haverfordwest Leisure Centre PROC/2021/153 RH Engineering Services UK Ltd donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 28/06/2021 31/12/2024 onflict
Professional Services Provision of Interpreter Services Other than Welsh PROC/1920/025 Wales Interpretation and Translation Service (WITS) donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 23/08/2018 30/06/2025 N/A
Facilities & Management Services  Servcing of Solar Photovoltaic Installations PROC/2021/007 Silverstone Green Energy Ltd katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/07/2020 30/06/2025 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Supply of a Webcasting Solution  PROC/2425/055 Public-i Group Ltd donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/07/2024 30/06/2025 48
Professional Services  The Principal Inspection of Cleddau Bridge PROC/2122/002 Atkins Limited katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 30/10/2023 01/12/2024 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) PROC/2425/052 Daisy Communications Ltd donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 29/07/2024 29/07/2026 12
Information Communication Technology  Telephone System Maintenance PROC/2425/051 Daisy Communications Ltd donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 29/07/2024 29/07/2026 12
Facilities & Management Services  The Operation and Maintenance of Public Conveniences in Pembrokeshire  PROC/1314/057 Danfo (UK) Ltd diane.hughes@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/08/2014 31/03/2028 N/A
Construction Materials  Provision of Decorative Products (under the NPS Framework for Building Materials) NPS-CFM-0085-18 ICI paints Akzonobel  katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/09/2021 31/08/2025 N/A
Facilities & Management Services  Servicing of Passenger and Goods Lifts  PROC/2122/085 Cardiff Lift Company katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/09/2021 31/08/2025 N/A
Facilities & Management Services  Library Solutions at Narberth Community Library PROC/2324/067 Bibliotheca donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 11/09/2023 10/09/2024 12
Transportation Purchase of Hook Loader Containers PROC/2324/026 GJF Fabrications LTD hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 12/09/2023 11/09/2024 N/A
Transportation  PURCHASE OF  HOOK LOADER CONTAINERS (Lot 1 and Lot 2) PROC/2324/026 GJF FABRICATIONS LTD hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 12/09/2023 11/09/2024 N/A
Social Care  Supply and Installation of Temporary Technology into Supported Living Households to Monitor Service Activity  PROC/2324/168 Just Checking Limited roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  15/03/2024 14/09/2024 N/A
Professional Services Commissioning of early market engagement for Withybush Food Park PROC/2324/106 Promar International diane.hughes@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 21/09/2023 20/09/2024 N/A
Waste & Environmental Services  Food Waste Caddy Liners PROC/2324/099 JPK Trade Supplies Ltd katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 26/09/2023 25/09/2025 24
Construction Services  WP4 – Conversation of Haverfordwest Gaol to visitor attraction as part of the HOP scheme. PROC/2324/176 Tree and Sons Ltd katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 28/03/2024 28/11/2024 N/A
Information Communication Technology Payroll/Personnel Software System PROC/2122/098 Softcat plc donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 30/09/2021 29/09/2024 24
Professional Services  Heart of Pembrokeshire LUF Project -  Haverfordwest Castle Gaol – Archaeological Evaluation Phase 1  PROC/2324/017 Dyfed Archaeologcial Trust katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 28/05/2023 30/11/2024 N/A
Transportation  Provision of Waste Haulage Services PROC/2122/020-1 A D Howell Wells Ltd; Gavin Griffiths Recycling Lts; hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/10/2021 30/09/2024 12
Information Communication Technology  Social Care Case Management System PROC/2021/044 OLM Systems donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/10/2020 30/09/2024 N/A
Facilities & Management Services  Provision of Beach Cleaning within Pembrokeshire PROC/1920/078 Danfo (UK) Ltd katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/04/2020 30/09/2026 N/A
Facilities & Management Services  Provision of Grave Digging Services  PROC/2122/125 wilkliam dyfed reed hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 10/10/2022 30/09/2024 24
Professional Services  Provision of Funeral Arrangements PROC/2021/145 F.G Rees Undertakers donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/10/2021 30/09/2024 12
Social Care  Assertive Street Homeless Outreach Service PROC/2324/036 The Wallich Clifford Community (known as The Wallich) roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  01/10/2023 30/09/2024 N/A
Professional Services  Purchase of Body Composition Scanners  PROC/2324/082 Boditrax donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/10/2023 30/09/2024 N/A
Construction Services  Development of a ‘package ready’ scheme of social housing at Glasfryn Road, St Davids PROC/2223/084 GRD Limited diane.hughes@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 09/09/2022 01/10/2024 N/A
Social Care  CUBAS Parenting Assessments Software Training PROC/2324/090 Geraldine Wetherell & Associates roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  03/10/2023 02/10/2024 N/A
Consultancy Specialist air quality monitoring, training and advice PROC/2425/023 Ricardo-AEA roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  09/05/2024 09/10/2024 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Public Sector Broadband Aggregation (PSBA) Network  PROC/1718/021 BT plc donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/11/2014 14/10/2024 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Waste Data Management System PROC/2021/091 Opensky Data Systems donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 20/10/2020 19/10/2024 N/A
Construction Services  Design & Build of South Quay Regeneration, Pembroke - Phases 1 & 2 PROC/1920/118/4A-03 Andrew Scott Limited diane.hughes@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 13/03/2023 23/10/2024 N/A
Transportation  Real Time Passenger Transport Information System PROC/2021/025 JMW Systems Ltd hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/11/2020 31/10/2024 N/A
Social Care  Provision of Generic Homeless Housing Support at Emergency and Temporary Accommodation PROC/2223/034 NACRO roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  01/11/2022 31/10/2024 12
Construction Services  South West Wales Regional Contractors Framework 2020-2024 PROC/1920/118 Morganstone Ltd; BAM Construction Ltd; Willmott Dixon Construction Limited; Lewis Construction Building Contractors (Wales) Ld; TAD Builders; Tycroes Group Ltd; W J G Evans & Sons Building Contractor; Andrew Scott Limited; C Wynne & Sons Ltd t/a Wynne Construction; Jones Brothers (Henllan) Limited; T Richard Jones (Betws) Limited; John Weaver (Contractors) Ltd; Morgan Sindall Plc; Lloyed & Gravell Ltd; Bouygues UK; Vinci Construction Uk; Tidbury Douglas Construction Ltd; W B Griffiths & Son Ltd hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/02/2020 31/10/2024 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Servelec Abacus Site Licences PROC/2324/137 The Access Group donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/04/2024 31/10/2024 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Land Charges Software System PROC/2122/046 Northgate Public Services donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/11/2021 31/10/2024 N/A
Education Concession Agreement for Day Care Provision at Y Frenni Integrated Childrens Centre, Crymych PROC/1819/054 PlayDays childcare donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 11/11/2019 10/11/2024 24
Transportation Purchase and Installation of one Inspection Lift  PROC/2324/101 Stertil UK Ltd hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 20/11/2023 19/11/2024 N/A
Social Care Agency Staff Social Worker  PROC/2424/031 Hoop Recruitment Ltd hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 24/05/2024 23/11/2024 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Provision of a Cashless Catering System PROC/2223/114 HavenSystems Limited donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/12/2022 30/11/2024 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Provision of a Direct Payment Payroll Bureau PROC/2021/143 IRIS Software Ltd donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 30/11/2022 30/11/2024 24
Transportation E-Bike Scheme trial PROC/2324/121 Zue Scooters hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 04/12/2023 03/12/2024 N/A
Catering    Concession for a Coffee Shop at Haverfordwest Library, Gallery and Information Centre PROC/2324/076 Pembrokeshire Entertainment Ltd  donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 07/12/2023 06/12/2024 12
Consultancy  Legal Sevices in relation to Tenby Leisure Centre Contract PROC/2425/033 Capital Law Ltd katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 10/06/2024 10/12/2024 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Software and Associated Services for Microsoft Software PROC/2122/030 Computacenter (UK) Ltd donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 14/12/2021 13/12/2024 12
Professional Services  Legal Services Framework NPS-PS-0098-19  Various / Amrywiol donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 18/12/2020 13/12/2024 N/A
Consultancy  Consultant for Deposit Plan 2 PROC/2425/015 M&S Town Planning Ltd roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  16/04/2024 16/12/2024 N/A
Sport & Leisure  Provision of Beach Lifeguard Services PROC/0708/044 Royal National Lifeboat Institution donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/11/2007 31/12/2024 24
Facilities & Management Services SWTRA Interceptor cleansing & six monthly inspections PROC/2223/203 Wales Environmental Limited hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 23/03/2023 31/12/2024 N/A
Transportation Passenger Transport Service - T5 Route PROC/2021/001 Richards Bros hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/09/2020 31/12/2024 n/a
Facilities & Management Services Fixed Wired Testing (FWT) and In-Service Testing (PAT) PROC/1920/058 Circuit Electrical Testing Limited katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/01/2020 31/12/2024 N/A
Professional Services  Heart of Pembrokeshire, Re-discovering Haverfordwest Project  PROC/1920/118/4a-02/CA4756 Morgan Sindall plc diane.hughes@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 08/08/2022 31/12/2024 N/A
Professional Services  Design and Installation of Creative Way-markers and Artworks for New Trails for the Twin Towns of Fishguard and Goodwick, Pembrokeshire PROC/2324/081 Small World Theatre donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 20/12/2023 31/12/2024 N/A
Consultancy  Specialist Financial Advice and Income Maximisation Service throughout Pembrokeshire. PROC/2223/008 Citizens Advice Pembrokeshire roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  03/01/2023 02/01/2025 24
Professional Services  Feasability Study of extending the lifespan of Tenby Leisure Centre PROC/2425/006 Gleeds Management Services katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/05/2024 03/01/2025 N/A
Waste & Environmental Services Provision of a permitted facility(s) to receive, bulk, transfer and/or treat green waste PROC/1920/019 Lawrence Landfill Ltd katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 14/01/2020 13/01/2025 N/A
Construction Services  Framework Agreement for the Supply & Erection of Scaffolding PROC/2021/058 JP Junior Scaffolding katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 18/01/2021 17/01/2025 N/A
Waste & Environmental Services Provision of a Licensed Facility to Receive Recycle/Process Quantities of Inert Waste PROC/2021/089 Lawrence Landfill Ltd diane.hughes@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 11/01/2021 31/01/2025 12
Waste & Environmental Services Provision of a Permitted Facility for the Receipt & Recycling/Processing of Gypsum from Construction based Material  PROC/2021/093 Griffiths WasteManagement Ltd. diane.hughes@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 11/01/2021 31/01/2025 12
Social Care Independent Social Work for Children’s Social Services PROC/2324/064 Other Spaces roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  01/08/2023 31/01/2025 N/A
Facilities & Management Services Minor Works Framework for Building Maintenance PROC/2122/028 H.L.Fielding and Sons Ltd; Warmserve Plumbing & Heating; Disabled Living & Mobility; Carl Griffiths Building & Groundwork; JonesMaher Limited; Rees Electrical (Pembrokeshire) Ltd; Priory Property Maintenance (Pembs) Ltd; Karl Cookson Painting and Civil Contractors; R & M Williams ltd; W B Griffiths & Son Ltd; HMBS Group Ltd; W J G Evans & Sons Building Contractor; RNF Services; KARN Construction; G&G Builders (Pembrokeshire) Ltd; Tree and Sons Ltd; Celtic Windows; LCB Construction; RKES (Wales) Ltd; John Morley Electrical; R T Electrics; EMC Services (Wales) Ltd; Barrie Thomas Builders Ltd; LNS Builder Limited; Jeff Way Electrical Services Limited; SJR Electrical; Hay Construct Ltd; JT Painting & Decorating; Master Painters & Decorators Ltd; Clear Heart; Electro-Technical & Testing Solutions Ltd; Ling Electrical Ltd; HMBS Group Ltd; Andrew Fee; Adref Construction katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/02/2022 31/01/2025 12
Stationery Framework for Printing Services PROC/2122/055 Harcourt Litho Ltd; Lexon Group; Jones & Brooks Limited; Manchester Printers Group Limited; Spectrum Printing; Bert Edwards (Milford Haven) Limited; Inc Dot Com Limited; Mail Solutions UK Ltd donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/02/2022 31/01/2025 12
Professional Services  Haverfordwest Castle Link PROC/2425/004 Atkinsrealis katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 02/02/2024 02/02/2025 N/A
Catering    Concession for a Catering Provision at Fishguard Leisure Centre Coffee Shop PROC/2021/153 The Gourmet Pig donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 14/02/2022 13/02/2025 24
Professional Services  Manorbier School - Rebuild and Restoration PROC/2425/003 Gleeds Management Services katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 13/02/2024 13/02/2025 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Pay by Phone System at Car Parks PROC/2021/144 PAYBYPHONE LIMITED donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/03/2021 28/02/2025 N/A
Education Stori’r Sir – Welsh educational resources PROC/2324/158 Just Print Digital hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/03/2024 28/02/2025 N/A
Education Trafod Gydag Empathi- Welsh resources PROC/2324/157 Peniarth Cymru hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/03/2024 28/02/2025 N/A
Professional Services  Haverfordwest Regeneration Engagement Plan PROC/2324/165 Fielding Strategy Marketing roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  14/03/2024 13/03/2025 N/A
Professional Services  Period Product Subscription Service PROC/2223/180 Eco Hygiene Care Ltd roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  01/06/2023 30/03/2025 12
Education Supply of Library Books - Adult Stock EPSO376F_21 Askews and Holts Library Services Ltd donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/04/2021 31/03/2025 N/A
Education Supply of Library Books - Junior Stock EPSO376F_21 Peters Bookselling Services donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/04/2021 31/03/2025 N/A
Education Supply of DVD's, Music CD's and Associated Services for Library Services EPSO376F_21 Trans UK Supplies Ltd donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/04/2021 31/03/2025 N/A
Information Communication Technology  IT Hardware and Mobile Phones PROC/2021/119 Various / Amrywiol donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/04/2021 31/03/2025 N/A
Construction Services  Cranham Park Development PROC/1920/118/3A-08 W B Griffiths & Son Ltd  diane.hughes@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/01/2022 31/03/2025 N/A
Facilities & Management Services EICR Testing PROC/2425/048 Laker katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/06/2024 31/03/2025 N/A
Highways and Parks Provision of Amenity Grass Cutting PROC/2021/078 Groundsure Land Management; One Stop Property Development Ltd; Elfed Brown; Roscoe Tree Services Ltd hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/03/2021 31/03/2025 N/A
Highways and Parks Provision of Amenity Grass Cutting PROC/2122/091 Arcswood CIC hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/03/2022 31/03/2025 N/A
Construction Services  SWMW Regional Engineering Services Framework (SWMWRCESF) PROC/2122/002 Mott MacDonald; Amey Consulting; WSP UK Limited; Arcadis Consulting (UK) Ltd; Atkins Limited; Capita Property & Infrastructure Ltd hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/04/2021 31/03/2025 N/A
Highways and Parks Machine Based Highway Condition Surveys PROC/2122/117 W.D.M. Limited rosanne.veale@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/04/2021 31/03/2025 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Provision of Elections Registration Software PROC/2324/117 IDOX Software Ltd donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/04/2024 31/03/2025 N/A
Professional Services  Provision of Business Rates Advice PROC/2425/038 Cooke & Arkwright donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/07/2024 30/06/2029 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Routeware Waste Route Optimisation Software, Digital Depot & InCab Technology PROC/2324/172 Routeware Limited donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/04/2024 31/03/2025 12
Information Communication Technology  Continuation of Support, Licensing and Maintenance costs for the current Library Management System  PROC/2425/001 Axiell Vsmart donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/04/2024 31/03/2025 N/A
Waste & Environmental Services Re-engagement of a Food Safety Contractor PROC/2324/153 Vivid Resourcing roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  01/04/2024 31/03/2025 N/A
Information Communication Technology  IT Service Desk Management PROC/2021/026 Bramble HUb donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 05/04/2021 04/04/2025 N/A
Facilities & Management Services Provision of Relief Cleaning Services in P.C.C. Buildings PROC/2021/114 MJM Commercial Cleaning Company; Coastal Cleaning UK & Ireland Ltd; Crystal Facilities Management; Adapt Business Services Limited; Ticketyboo Cleaning Ltd; Ultime Cleaning Ltd; Inside Out Cleaning katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 15/04/2021 14/04/2025 N/A
Facilities & Management Services Servicing of CCTV PROC/2324/056 Dyfed Alarms Ltd katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 20/07/2023 23/04/2025 N/A
Social Care Substance Misuse Service for Adults, Children & Young People PROC/1920/040 Barod Project roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  01/05/2020 30/04/2025 12
Social Care Tenure Neutral Housing Related Floating Support for Older Persons PROC/2324/159 Age Cymru Dyfed roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  09/11/2023 08/05/2025 N/A
Professional Services  Transfer of Welsh Government-funded Bond Guarantee Scheme projects to the Housing Support Grant from 2024-25. PROC/2425/027 Pembrokeshire Action for the Homeless (PATH) roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  21/05/2024 20/05/2025 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Learning Management System (POD) PROC/2324/004 Learning Pool Ltd donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/06/2023 30/05/2025 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Provision of sip migration, redbox migration and softphone/ignite for contact centre G Cloud PROC/2021/053 Daisy Communications Ltd donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/06/2021 31/05/2025 12
Consultancy  Cleddau Bridge - Gantry Principal Inspection and Options Report PROC/2425/032 Eadon Consulting Ltd katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 03/06/2024 03/06/2025 N/A
Professional Services  Improvement and Learning Partner PROC/2425/037 Vanguard Consulting Ltd roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  10/06/2024 09/06/2025 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Staff Engagement Survey Platform PROC/2324/030 Culture Amp donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 13/06/2024 12/06/2025 N/A
Highways and Parks Framework for Mechanical Verge Mowing to Highways within Pembrokeshire PROC/2122/178 Camddwr Contractors Cyf, M M Griffiths,  rosanne.veale@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/07/2022 30/06/2025 12
Information Communication Technology  Additional Module to the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) PROC/2021/042 Pembrokeshire College donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 23/09/2020 30/06/2025 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Development of a Web-Based Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) PROC/1920/104 Pembrokeshire College donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 09/04/2020 30/06/2025 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Provision of a New SIP Telephone System at Haverfordwest High PROC/2122/179 Carreras Communications donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 30/05/2022 30/06/2025 N/A
Highways and Parks Supply of Salt and Associated Products NPS-CFM-106-20 Compass Minerals UK rosanne.veale@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/07/2021 01/07/2025 N/A
Financial Services Provision of Treasury Management PROC/2324/110 Link Treasury Services donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 14/03/2024 14/07/2025 N/A
Stationery Canvassing and Electoral Registration Printing PROC/2122/099 Print Image Network Limited donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 18/07/2022 17/07/2025 12
Information Communication Technology  Library Solutions at Pembroke Dock Library PROC/2223/029 Bibliotheca donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 22/06/2022 21/07/2025 N/A
Construction Services  Appointment of Specialist Contractor for the Installation of Platform Lifts for Disabled Adaptation Grants PROC/2324/059 NGA Engineering katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 26/07/2023 26/07/2025 N/A
Transportation CCS Framework for Supply and Fit of Tyres and Windscreens. RM6142 PROC/2324/030 Tuf Treads Ltd hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/04/2023 26/07/2025 N/A
Education Sustainable Schools Award Scheme PROC/2324/063 Janie Pridham katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 27/07/2023 27/07/2025 N/A
Education Framework for a Pre Engagement Transition Programme (PEP's) PROC/2223/117 PRP Training Ltd; Pembrokeshire College donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/02/2023 31/07/2025 N/A
Waste & Environmental Services Provision of an Enforcement Service for Environmental Services PROC/2223/116 Waste Investigations Support & Enforcement Limited donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 14/08/2023 13/08/2025 24
Construction Services  Design and Supply of Kitchens for Council Housing Stock PROC/2223/127 Howden Joinery Ltd katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 07/09/2023 31/08/2025 24
Facilities & Management Services Design and Supply of Kitchens for Council Housing Stock  PROC/2223/127 Howden Joinery Ltd katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 07/09/2023 31/08/2025 24
Facilities & Management Services Retrofit Consultancy Services for our Housing Stock  PROC/2324/143 CoreLogic U.K. Ltd diane.hughes@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 18/09/2023 17/09/2025 N/A
Facilities & Management Services Servicing & Maintenance of EC Power CHP Units across various Commercial Buildings PROC/2223/101 SAV Systems United Kingdom Limited diane.hughes@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 24/09/2022 23/09/2025 N/A
Social Care Extra Care Housing Consultancy PROC/2425/011 Housing LIN Enterprises Ltd. roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  28/03/2024 27/09/2025 N/A
Social Care Housing Related Support for Victims, Survivors and Perpetrators of Domestic Abuse PROC/2223/171 Calan DVS roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  01/10/2023 30/09/2025 12
Construction Services  Asbestos Removal Works at the Maes Ingli Community Centre, Newport , Pembrokeshire PROC/2324/162 Severn Insulation Co Ltd katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 19/06/2024 30/09/2025 N/A
Facilities & Management Services Servicing of commercial boilers & appliances in Schools and Public Buildings PROC/2223/019 Lorne Stewart PLC katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/11/2022 31/10/2025 12
Catering    Concession for a Catering Provision at South Beach Car Park, Tenby PROC/2122/097 Beach Box donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/04/2022 05/11/2025 N/A
Highways and Parks Supply of Films & Vinyls PROC/2122/031 William Smith Group 1832 hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/08/2021 11/11/2025 N/A
Professional Services  ePayments (PCard) Concession Contract PROC/1314/088 Barclaycard Global Commercial Payments hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 03/12/2013 02/12/2025 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Purchase of a Finance Management System  PROC/1718/080 Advanced Business Solutions donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 03/12/2018 02/12/2025 N/A
Waste & Environmental Services Implementation of Oil Management Plan. Interceptor Clean. PROC/2324/126 Ambipar Site Services Ltd hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 05/12/2023 04/12/2025 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Provision of a Public Protection Software PROC/2223/144 IDOX Software Ltd donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 15/12/2022 14/12/2025  
Human Resources Provision of Temporary Workers PROC/2324/111 Matrix SCM Limited roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  15/01/2024 14/01/2026 24
Consultancy  Project Management Services for Housing Projects PROC/2021/014 Mace Limited hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  01/08/2020 31/01/2026 N/A
Facilities & Management Services Framework Agreement for Electrical Rewiring of Council Housing Stock PROC/2122/159-3 W B Griffiths & Son Ltd; Warmserve Plumbing & Heating; Jeff Way Electrical Services Limited diane.hughes@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/02/2023 31/01/2026 12
Social Care Supported Accommodation and Housing Related Floating Support Service for People with Alcohol and/or Substance Misuse PROC/2122/027 Adferiad Recovery roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  01/02/2022 31/01/2026 36
Professional Services  Hybrid Mail solution for Bulk Printing and Mailing  PROC/2324/100 dsi billing services Ltd donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 15/02/2024 14/02/2026 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Managed Banking System for Direct Payments PROC/2223/176 Haven Systems Ltd donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 21/02/2023 20/02/2026 12
Professional Services  Agreement for Online Disclosure and Barring Service Checks PROC/2324/092 Powys CC Supplier donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/03/2023 28/02/2026 N/A
Highways and Parks Supply and Application of Surface Dressing Binder PROC/2122/105-2 Asphalt Surface Dressing Services Limited hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/03/2022 28/02/2026 N/A
Highways and Parks Supply of Binder PROC/2122/105-1 Nynas hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/03/2022 28/02/2026 N/A
Transportation Hire of Plant & Machinery PROC/2122/082 Pembroke Hire Centre Ltd, Wales Environmental Ltd, Parker Plant Hire Ltd, Tool Trader Direct Ltd t/a MPH Hire, Drainforce, Jetsweep Ltd, RNA Plant Ltd, Evans Plant Hire, Alan James & Sons, A&C Aggregates Limited,  Thomas Plant Hire, Greenacres Skip hire Ltd, Clee Hill Plant Ltd, Malcolm Herbert Plant Hire Ltd, W R Cooper Plant Hire, JC plant hire and groundworks, paul griffiths plant hire, David Rees Fencing, Roscoe Tree Services Ltd, Hughes and John, wayne reynolds plant hire, GAP Group Limited, Brandon Hire Station, Collins Bros (Pembs) Ltd, D.I.Evans cyf, tom prichard contracting, RV plant hire, A&M Plant Hire Ltd, C l J Rose, West Wales Waste Limited, Sunbelt Rentals Limited, CP Hire Ltd hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/03/2022 28/02/2026 N/A
Waste & Environmental Services Textile Collection Service for CLAIRE Wales Waste Management Group MTCBC/CLAIRE/TWR01 JMP Wilcox and Company Ltd diane.hughes@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/04/2022 28/02/2026 N/A
Professional Services  Provision of a Welsh Translation Service PROC/2324/040 Menter A Busnes, Trosol, Atebol, Clear Translations, Trywydd Cyf, Bla Translations, Cyfieithu Acen Ltd, Calan Cyfyngedig roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  04/03/2024 03/03/2026 12
Information Communication Technology  Provision of Anti Virus Software PROC/2223/152 Integrity360 donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 06/03/2023 05/03/2026 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Printer Contract (MFD's) PROC/2223/106 Konica Minolta Business Solutions (UK) Ltd donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/04/2023 31/03/2026 24
Waste & Environmental Services Provisions of Stray Dog Kennelling Service PROC/2223/123 Greenacres Animal Rescue donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/04/2023 31/03/2026 12
Highways and Parks Provision of Traffic Management Services PROC/2122/081 A&C Aggregates Limited; Amberon Ltd; Forest Traffic Services Ltd rosanne.veale@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/04/2022 31/03/2026 N/A
Information Communication Technology  BIG IP (F5) Appliance Replacement PROC/2021/151 Pentesec Limited donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/04/2021 31/03/2026 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Provision of SIMS Primary Software & Associated Services PROC/2122/041 Capita Software Services donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 31/12/2020 31/03/2026 N/A
Professional Services  West Wales Independent Professional Advocacy Service PROC/2122/070 Advocacy West Wales - Eiriolaeth Gorllewin Cymru roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  01/04/2022 31/03/2026 36
Information Communication Technology  Provision of Online Legal Library Services PROC/2223/193 LexisNexis donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 16/04/2023 15/04/2026 N/A
Stationery Stationery and Copier Paper WGCD-CS-111-21 Lyreco Uk Ltd donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/06/2022 31/05/2026 N/A
Information Communication Technology  IT Products and Services Mini Comp under Lot 2 - IT Hardware - for SAN PROC/2021/157 Circle IT Solutions Limited donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 17/06/2021 16/06/2026 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Firewall License PROC/2122/047 Pentesec Limited donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 29/06/2021 29/06/2026 24
Professional Services  Professional Services for Regeneration Schemes throughout Pembrokeshire  PMFDTS-0524-2019 Faithful+Gould hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 19/06/2019 30/06/2026 N/A
Waste & Environmental Services Provision of a Licensed Facility to Receive and Recycle Street Sweepings and Gully Waste PROC/2021/147 Lawrence Landfill Ltd diane.hughes@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 28/06/2021 30/06/2026 N/A
Social Care Provision of a Generic Support Service PROC/1819/006 Pembrokeshire Care Society roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  01/07/2019 30/06/2026 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Mobile Voice and Data Services RM3808 - PROC/2324/046 Daisy Communications Ltd donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 11/07/2023 10/07/2026 N/A
Information Communication Technology  3-year Subscription to use AP Forensics®. PROC/2324/002 Softcat Ltd donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 24/07/2023 23/07/2026 N/A
Professional Services  Cardi Bach Project - Stage 4 PROC/2324/054 Sustrans katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 24/07/2023 23/07/2026 N/A
Professional Services  Professional Services for Brynhir Housing Development CPS–10878-2021 Mace Limited hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/12/2021 31/07/2026 N/A
Education Leadership Matter Resources PROC/2324/049 Leadership Matters donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 22/08/2023 22/08/2026 N/A
Transportation Supply of Bulk Fuel PROC/2223/016 Certas Energy UK Limited t/a Emo Oils; J E Lawrence & Son Ltd; Oil 4 Wales Ltd hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/09/2022 31/08/2026 N/A
Transportation Provision of Vehicle Telematics PROC/2324/073 Quartix Limited hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/10/2023 30/09/2026 12
Transportation Provision of Vehicle Telematics PROC/2324/073 Quartix Limited hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/10/2023 30/09/2026 12
Information Communication Technology  Security and Compliance Software PROC/2324/094 MetaCompliance donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 21/10/2023 20/10/2026 N/A
Transportation Purchase of 2nd Hand Vehicles PROC/2324/102 Dummy Pembrokeshire County Council - Procurement hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 26/10/2023 26/10/2026 N/A
Facilities & Management Services Purchase of iOpt Environmental Monitors for installation within Council Housing Stock  PROC/2324/105 iOpt Ltd diane.hughes@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 18/10/2023 31/10/2026 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Electronic Homecare Monitoring Solution PROC/2324/118 The Access Group donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 16/11/2023 15/11/2026 12
Information Communication Technology  Rapid7 Incident Detection & Response Software PROC/2122/118 Caretower donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 10/12/2021 09/12/2026 N/A
Waste & Environmental Services Residual Waste Treatment  PROC/1314/101-01 Viridor katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 17/12/2018 16/12/2026 N/A
Information Communication Technology  IT Back-up Solution PROC/2324/132 Softcat plc donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 30/01/2024 29/01/2027 24
Facilities & Management Services Servicing of Automatic Doors PROC/2324/120 OCON Fire & Security Ltd katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/02/2024 31/01/2027 12
Information Communication Technology  Holistix Youth Service Management Information System (MIS) PROC/2122/133 Quality Education Solutions Ltd T/A QES donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/02/2022 31/01/2027 N/A
Consultancy  SWW  Regional Civil Engineering Framework 2023-2027 PROC/2223/170 Sunbelt Rentals Limited; Quantum Traffic management; Green Light traffic Management Limited; Forest Traffic Services Ltd; Amberon Ltd; Tetra Tech Ltd; SOCOTEC UK Limited; Quantum Geotechnical Ltd; Earth Science Partnership Ltd; Concept Engineering Consultants Ltd; Tarmac Trading Limited; Hanson Quarry Products Europe Ltd T/A Hanson Contracting; Nol; Williams Civil Engineeringan Roadmarking Ltd; Glamorgan White Lining; Enerveo Ltd; Walters UK Limited; Sterling UK Construction Ltd; EVAN PRITCHARD CONTRACTORS LIMITED; DKA; W B Griffiths & Son Ltd N Groundworks Ltd; Centregreat; A&C Aggregates Ltd; A Williams Contract Services Ltd; Roscoe Tree Services Ltd; Pembrokeshire Framework Fabricators Ltd; N Th; David Ree; Alan James & Sonss Fencingomas Plant Hire Ltd; ITH Construction Ltd; Gerald D Harries & Sons Ltd katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 06/02/2023 05/02/2027 N/A
Utilities  Supply of Electricity under NPS Framework PROC/2324/019 EDF Energy katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 27/02/2023 27/02/2027 N/A
Utilities  Supply of Gas under NPS Framework PROC/2324/018 Total Gas and Power Ltd katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 27/02/2023 27/02/2027 N/A
Highways and Parks Supply of Herbicide Products and Equipment PROC/2223/102 Origin Amenity Solutions; Nomix Enviro Ltd rosanne.veale@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/03/2023 28/02/2027 N/A
Information Communication Technology  AMX Software - Licences and Maintenance  PROC/2122/163 IAMTech donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/03/2022 28/02/2027 N/A
Transportation Horizontal Baling Equipment Eco Baler PROC/2122/103 cws engineering hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/03/2022 28/02/2027 24
Social Care Provision of an Ex Offender Floating Support Service PROC/1920/039 Goleudy Housing and Support Limited roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  01/03/2020 27/03/2027 36
Information Communication Technology  Microsoft Server Database Licensing PROC/2324/129 Softcat donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/04/2024 31/03/2027 N/A
Information Communication Technology  On-Line Supply Teacher Claims Management System PROC/2223/100 Esphera Solutions Ltd donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/04/2022 31/03/2027 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Provision of an On-Line Planning & Building Control System PROC/2324/166 Agile Applications Limited donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/04/2024 31/03/2027 12
Information Communication Technology  ELMS2 Online Software PROC/2122/175 Ethitec donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 03/03/2022 31/03/2027 N/A
Transportation Installation of 'Fast' Electric Car Charging Facilities at various PCC car parks PROC/1819/068 Silverstone Green Energy Ltd katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 02/01/2019 31/03/2027 N/A
Information Communication Technology  On-Line Planning & Building Control System PROC/2324/166 Agile Applications Limited donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/04/2024 31/03/2027 12
Information Communication Technology  Microsoft Server Database Licensing PROC/2324/129 Softcat donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/04/2024 31/03/2027 N/A
Catering    Ice Cream Concession at Lower Town, Fishguard - Lot 2 PROC/2223/094 Yacht Club Café donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 08/04/2024 07/04/2027 12
Catering    Ice Cream Concession at Newgale - Lot 1 PROC/2223/094 Paul Holmes Mobile Catering Ltd donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 08/04/2024 07/04/2027 12
Professional Services  Provision of Banking Services PROC/2324/024 Barclays Bank donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 05/06/2023 04/06/2027 N/A
Information Communication Technology  New Complaint / Subject Access Request / FOI System PROC/2223/091 Civica donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 18/10/2022 17/10/2027 N/A
Stationery Framework for Educational Aids, Curriculum Aids & Associated Products PROC/2425/018 Findel Education donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/11/2023 31/10/2027 N/A
Waste & Environmental Services Treatment of Municipal Food Waste PROC/1516/086 Ceredigion County Council katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/11/2014 31/10/2027 N/A
Highways and Parks Public Rights of Way and Countryside Management PROC/2223/128 Various / Amrywiol hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/12/2023 30/11/2027 N/A
Catering    Welsh Public Sector Collaborative Food Group (WPSCFG) Food Framework PROC/2324/170 Totally Welsh; A J Rees & Sons Ltd; Dole Food Services; Castell Howell Foods Ltd donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/03/2024 29/02/2028 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Ceremony Planning and Appointment Booking Software  PROC/2223/177 Zipporah Ltd donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/04/2023 31/03/2028 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Internal Audit / Data Protection Software PROC/2223/175 K10 Vision donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/04/2023 31/03/2028 N/A
Transportation Installation & Commissioning of Rapid and 'Fast' EV Chargepoints at various PCC & PCNP car parks PROC/1920/087 Silverstone Green Energy Ltd diane.hughes@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 09/12/2019 31/03/2028 N/A
Social Care Foster Services PROC/2425/024 Three Circles Fostering roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  10/05/2024 09/05/2028 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Revenue and Benefit, Electronic Document Management and Housing Platform Software PROC/2324/148 Northgate Public Services donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/04/2024 31/03/2029 N/A
Professional Services  Appointment of Management Agents at Riverside Shopping Centre and Western Quayside PROC/2425/012 Colliers Belfast Ltd donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/05/2024 30/04/2029 N/A
Sport & Leisure  Concession for Beach Furniture Hire at Tenby Beaches PROC/2324/085 Will Crockford donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/04/2024 31/10/2029 48
Financial Services PFI Lease & Concession Agreement PROC/1213/007 KMC Pembroke Ltd donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 09/09/2001 09/09/2031 N/A
Social Care Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision of Domiciliary Care and Support Services PROC/2324/010 Western Welsh Community Care; Pembrokeshire Care Ltd; Croeso Care Ltd; Harbour Care Services Limited; Care in Hand Ltd; Care Wales (Gofal Cymru); Gofauls Ltd; H M Care; Adferiad Recovery; Community Interest Care CIC; CTD Care Services Ltd; Cariad Care Group Ltd; Quayside Care Limited; Van Dyke Healthcare roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  04/12/2023 03/12/2033 N/A
Utilities  Biomass Energy Provider at Haverfordwest Leisure Centre  PROC/1112/013 Dula katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/04/2009 12/10/2035 N/A
Utilities  Provision of solar generated electrical energy at Public Buildings within the Property Portfolio PROC/2223/189 Awel Aman Tawe katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 24/07/2023 24/07/2044 N/A
Social Care Provision of Standard Residential Care  Various / Amrywiol Various / Amrywiol roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  Various / Amrywiol Various / Amrywiol N/A
Social Care Provision of Supported Living Services  Various / Amrywiol Various / Amrywiol roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  Various / Amrywiol Various / Amrywiol N/A
Transport  Public Transportation Routes Various / Amrywiol Various / Amrywiol hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk Various / Amrywiol Various / Amrywiol N/A
Transportation Education Transport Routes Various / Amrywiol Various / Amrywiol hannah.hammersley@pembrokeshire.gov.uk Various / Amrywiol Various / Amrywiol N/A
Waste & Environmental Services Purchase of 6 x Trade Waste Vehicles PROC/2425/042 NTM_GB LTD rosanne.veale@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 25/06/2024 31/12/2025 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Risk Management Software Licensing and Support PROC/2425/035 RSM Risk Assurance Services LLP donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/07/2024 30/06/2027 12
Professional Services  Heritage Skills Training - Lot 2 Historic Research and Storytelling Training PROC/2324/156 ButCH rosanne.veale@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 08/07/2024 30/11/2024 N/A
Waste & Environmental Services Purchase of 5NO 3.5T Cage Tippers TPPL-136 Lookers Cardiff donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 12/07/2024 31/12/2025 N/A
Utilities  Connection to the Mains Water Network at Barham Road Trecwn - Phase 3 PROC/2425/059-02 Pipeworx GB Limited katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 22/07/2024 22/07/2025 N/A
Utilities  Connection to the Mains Water Network at Barham Road Trecwn - Phase 2 PROC/2425/059-01 Young Bros Limited katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 22/07/2024 22/07/2025 N/A
Facilities & Management Services Compartmentation and fire-stopping works at Milford Haven Comprehensive School. PROC/2425/044 AEON (GB) Ltd katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 22/07/2024 28/02/2025 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Music software licences for all secondary schools PROC/2425/049 Soundtrap donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/08/2024 31/07/2029 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Hosting, Support, Licences and Hosting Management for Pembrokeshire Leisure Website PROC/2425/017 Grandad Digital Ltd donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/08/2024 31/07/2029 N/A
Consultancy  Pembrokeshire SMART Towns PROC/2425/043 Owen Davies Consulting Ltd katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 12/08/2024 16/12/2024 N/A
Consultancy  Pembrokeshire Towns Development Portfolio (2024) PROC/2425/045 BE Group katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 12/08/2024 16/12/2024 N/A
Waste & Environmental Services Food Safety Inspections - Agency Staff PROC/2425/065 a2z food safety roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  22/08/2024 31/03/2026 N/A
Professional Services  Pembs50 Leadership Development Programme PROC/2425/053 The Reach Foundation donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/09/2024 31/08/2025 N/A
Education G L Assessment Software PROC/2425/061 Gl Assessment Ltd. donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/09/2024 31/08/2025 N/A
Information Communication Technology  Websafe for Schools PROC/2425/062 BT PLC donna.murphy@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 01/10/2024 30/09/2026 N/A
Construction Services  CA18021 Greenhill School ATP Refurbishment PROC/2223/170-3-01 Gerald D Harries & Sons Ltd katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 15/07/2024 28/11/2024 N/A
Construction Services  Haverfordwest Footbridge and Western Quayside PROC/2223/170-04-02 Walters UK Ltd katie.mullins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 20/03/2024 14/04/2025 N/A
Social Care Conflict Resolution Service PROC/2324/080 The Wallich Clifford Community (known as The Wallich) roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  01/01/2024 31/10/2024 N/A
Social Care Provision of a carers information, support & outreach service PROC/2424/088 Carers Trust roxanne.kehoe@pembrokeshire.gov.uk  01/10/2024 30/09/2027 24

Tenders and Contracts


ID: 9527, revised 15/10/2024