Taxi Licensing

Report an Accident Involving a Licensed Taxi or Private Hire Vehicle

ThisReport an accident involving a Licensed Taxi or Private Hire Vehicle form is only to be used by owners of  Hackney Carriage or Private Hire Vehicles licensed by Pembrokeshire County Council.

Owners of licensed vehicles must notify the Licensing Authority if thier licensed vehicle is inovlved in an accident which results in damage to the vehicle affecting the safety, performance or appearence of the vheicle.

This should be reported as soon as possible and within 72 hours at the latest. You can access this form 24 hours a day.

Failure to report within 72 hours is  a breach  of your licence conditions and could result in action such as referral to a Licensing Sub Committee.

 Once you have submitted the report a member of the licensing team will be in touch. You may be asked to present your vechicle to an officer for inspection, which may result in your vehicle licence plates being suspended until the damage has been rectified in which case the vehicle must not be used for carrying fare paying passengers.

ID: 11760, revised 13/08/2024