School Transport
School Transport Entitlement Process
Stage 1: Request For Transport From Parent To Integrated Transport Unit (Itu)
To quality for free transport the child must:
- Be a resident of Pembrokeshire
- Be of compulsory school age (5-16)
- Be attending their catchment school (designated by the County Council to serve the pupil’s home address) or near- est suitable school (as determined by the County Council)
- Live at least 2 miles from the school if they’re in primary school
- Live at least 3 miles from the school if they’re in secondary school
- Cannot walk safely to school on the nearest available route or alterative route (which is over statutory walking distance)
Yes: Entitled to transport
Where transport arrangements are the responsibility of the County Council, in all cases the County Council will decide the most appropriate type of transport to be provided or whether to provide a mile- age allowance. Each case will be considered on its own merit.
No: Not entitled to transport
The County Council will not provide transport or make any contribution towards transport costs for pupils admitted as a result of a parental expression of preference for a school which is not the nearest or catchment school. In these circumstances parents are responsible for making their own transport arrangements and for all transport costs. Parents are advised to consider the transport implications before making an expression of preference for a school place.
Stage 2: Appeal From Parent To Transport Unit
In the case of a dispute relating to the implementation and interpretation of the home to school transport policy, an appeal can be made to the ITU. Appeals should be submitted within 14 days following the date of notification. Appeals should be investigated and the decision communicated to parents within 30 days of the receipt of the appeal.
Are there any exceptional circumstances?
Exceptional circumstances will be consider ed on a case by case basis and could include the following:
Does the pupil or parent have any medical, psychological or Additional Learning Needs?
To be considered under this criterion, parents must provide independent supporting evidence at the time of application, which sets out why school transport is necessary for the pupil and the difficulties that would be caused if school transport is not provided.
a) Supporting evidence must be based of the professional’s own knowledge of the pupil’s condition and circumstances and will be accepted from any of the following registered health professionals: Specialist consultant, Community paediatrician, Clinical psychologist, Psychiatrist, Occupational Therapist, Social Work professional
b) Additional Learning Needs must be confirmed by the Local Authority’s Inclusion Service
c) For incidents of extreme and persistent bullying, evidence detailing the steps taken to resolve the bullying through existing anti-bullying procedures within the school, together with a report from an Education Welfare Officer or the Local Authority’s Inclusion Service or a statement from the school to corroborate the bullying.
Has the family been forced to relocate at short notice for reasons beyond their control?
To be considered under this criterion supporting evidence must be provided from at least one of the following agencies: Police Service, Housing Association, Social Services, Education Welfare Officer.
Is the pupil aged 16+ and resides over 3 miles from the nearest school or college where a suitable programme of study is available?
To be considered under this criterion, parents must provide evidence that the learner is studying full time and is under 19 years of age on 1st September of the academic year in which the course is taken.
Yes: Entitled to transport
Entitlement is reviewed at the end of the academic year for any changes in circumstances.
No: Not entitled to transport
Stage 3: Review Of Decision
If a parent is dissatisfied with the procedures used by the ITU to deal with their request, they can ask the Director of Education to review the ITU’s actions. If the Director concludes that the ITU has not followed its procedure, has acted unreasonably, or has failed to carry out its statutory duty to deal with the request then the Director can ask the ITU to reconsider its decision. If the parent highlights that the child has ‘ALN’ then the Inclusion Panel may be asked to consider such appeals. If a parent provides additional supporting evidence that was not available at the time of the appeal then this will be considered as part of the review process.