SACRVE Constitution


In accordance with the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Act 2021, Education Act 1996 and Welsh Office Circular 10/94, each Local Authority has a duty to assemble a Standing Advisory Council (SAC) for Religion, Values and Ethics. Whilst it is required by law that Religion, Values and Ethics is to be taught in schools to all children up to the age of 16, RVE is a local responsibility, along with Collective Worship. Supporting RVE and CW in Pembrokeshire therefore is the primary function of Pembrokeshire SAC RVE.

Functions and Responsibilities

The principle functions and responsibilities of the SAC RVE are detailed within the Education Act 1996 (section 391) and Circular 10/94

  • To advise the LA on matters connected with religious worship in community schools or in foundation schools which do not have a religious character and that religious education to be given in accordance with an agreed syllabus. In addition, advising on methods of teaching, the choice of materials and the provision of training for teachers.
  • To support the effective provision of RVE and collective worship in schools and consider whether any changes need to be made in or to the agreed syllabus or in the support offered to schools.
  • To monitor the provision of daily collective worship and to consider with it any action which might be taken to improve such provision.
  • To determine, on the request of the Headteacher of a community or foundation school not designed as having a religious character, whether the requirement of Christian collective worship be lifted, in whole or in part, within the school.
  • To require the LA to convene an agreed syllabus conference to produce and recommend an agreed syllabus for RVE which meets fully the requirements of the  Education Act 1996 and is educationally sound (paragraphs 31-37).
  • To publish an annual report on the work of the SAC RVE in the preceding year, including any actions it has taken, specifying any advice that it has given to the LA, including the nature of and rationale for giving that advice. 
  • In accordance with the provisions of the Education Act 1996 section 391 (10), a copy of the annual report is to be sent to Welsh Government by 30th December each year. In addition, the report should be sent to schools and teacher training institutions, as well as being made accessible to members of the public.
  • To review information on schools following inspection by the Office of His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education and Training in Wales (ESTYN).
  • To advise the LA on issues not referred to SAC RVE, but connected with the duties and functions of SAC RVE.
  • To consider any matters referred to them by the LA.


Pembrokeshire SAC RVE will be represented by members of the community who are able to fully support the effective provision of both RVE and CW. All members are appointed by Pembrokeshire Council to represent the following groups:

Group A: representing religious denominations and philosophical convictions in Pembrokeshire

Upon nomination of the following:

  • Three members to represent the Church in Wales
  • Three members to represent the Roman Catholic Church
  • Three members from the non-conformist Churches
  • One member from the Muslim community
  • One member from the Buddhist community
  • One member from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  • One member from the Hindu community
  • One member from the Humanist community
  • One member from the Jehovah Witness community
  • One member from the Jewish community
  • One member from the Sikh community
  • Two members from the non-religious, philosophical community

Group B: Representing teacher associations

The following teaching unions will be represented, as far as possible, to reflect the variety

within the teaching community:

  • NAHT
  • NEU
  • SHA
  • UCAC
  • UCU

Groups C: Representing the LA

This group will comprise a group of up to seven elected members as nominated by the political parties represented on the council. Also present will be a LA senior officer and the RVE Adviser.

  • Seven representatives from Pembrokeshire Council
  • Local Authority Senior Officer
  • RVE Adviser
  • The Community Cohesion Officer
  • Clerk to SAC RVE (non-voting)

Co-opted members

SAC RVE members can appoint up to three co-opted members to support them in fulfilling their duties and responsibilities.

Working Conditions

Appointment of the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson

The chair and the vice chair will be nominated at the Autumn AGM, or any time during the year if a position becomes vacant. Normally, the chair and vice chair will be in position for two years.

Where possible, the chair and vice chair will represent different committees of the SAC RVE.

Where a vote is required for chair and vice chair nominations, each committee group will receive one vote.

Responsibilities of the Chair:

  • To lead and manage the meetings
  • To represent SAC RVE to other bodies as required
  • Other duties as required by SAC RVE.

Responsibilities of the Vice Chair:

  • To deputise for the Chair as required
  • To represent SAC RVE to other bodies, in conjunction with the Chair
  • Other duties as required by SAC RVE.


The quorum for the meeting should be one third of the total membership. Where meetings require voting, there is the requirement that at least one member from each of the groups is present.

The Local Authority Officer

SAC RVE will be served by a senior LA officer. They will:

  • Attend all SAC RVE and ASC meetings
  • Represent the views of the LA at these meetings
  • Provide necessary information and support to the RVE Adviser regarding RVE and CW
  • Ensure that sufficient funds are provided for SAC RVE to fulfil its duties and responsibilities.

The RVE Adviser

SAC RVE will be served by an RVE Adviser. They will:

  • Attend each SAC RVE and ASC meeting, supporting SAC RVE with its duties and responsibilities
  • Work with the Chair, Clerk and LA Officer to prepare the SACRVE  agenda and any reports, papers or advice required
  • Report to SAC RVE on work completed on behalf of SAC RVE
  • Provide expertise and advice in areas of RVE and CW.

The SAC RVE Clerk

  • The LA will appoint, fund and supervise a SAC RVE clerk to:Attend all SAC RVE related meetings, including ASC
  • Take minutes at all SAC RVE and ASC meetings
  • Provide copies of the agenda, minutes and additional papers to all SAC RVE members
  • Maintain and update all SAC RVE records
  • Any other additional administrative duties as requested.

Specialist Speakers/ Guests

SAC RVE may request the attendance of a specialist speaker, who is not a member of SAC RVE, to participate in SAC RVE meetings. Similarly, any of the representative groups may request the attendance of specialist speaker, who is not a member of SAC RVE, to participate in specific SAC RVE discussions. Their attendance would be limited to the time of the item being considered. Notice of this request must be made via the SAC RVE clerk, giving at least 7 working days’ notice.

Terms of Office

SAC RVE will review membership annually at the AGM Autumn meeting. Appointments to SAC RVE would generally be for a term of five years but the representative groups are able to re nominate members. LA elected members will serve initially for two years.

End of Membership

This will be triggered for any one (or more) of the following reasons:

  • The member reaches the end of the term and has not been re nominated;
  • The member writes to the SAC RVE clerk to tender their resignation;
  • The member was appointed by virtue of their position and no longer holds that position
  • The member fails to attend three consecutive meetings, without exceptional circumstances.

Co-opted Members

SAC RVE are able to co-opt additional members if they feel that a candidate has sufficient experience within RVE/ CW that would directly benefit SAC RVE. Co-opted members may take part in all of the discussions but they do not belong to any of the representative groups and therefore do not have voting rights.


  • SAC RVE will meet termly and at other times as/ when required.
  • The times of SAC RVE meetings can vary to encourage full membership. Generally they will be held from 4-5:30pm but will change if needed.
  • The SAC RVE clerk will share the agenda and all relevant papers at least one week before the meeting.
  • Public notice of SAC RVE and ASC meetings will be given and meetings will be open to members of the public, unless it was felt appropriate for the meeting to be private. All documents should be made available to members of the public.

Voting Procedures

It would benefit SAC RVE proceedings if, during voting, it was agreed that a consensus was adopted. However, if this is not possible, all representative groups will decide, meeting separately if required, how to cast their single vote. Co-opted members do not have a vote.

Validity of Proceedings

The validity of the SAC RVE proceedings or of any representative group within the SAC RVE shall not be affected:

  • By any vacancy in the membership of the SAC RVE or of a representative group
  • Or on the grounds that a member of the SAC RVE appointed to represent any denomination or association does not at the time of the proceedings, represent the denomination or association.

Appointments to SAC RVE Vacancies

In the event of a SAC RVE vacancy, the SAC RVE clerk shall:

  • Advise the representative group of the vacancy and invite them to nominate a replacement
  • Refer any nomination to the SAC RVE for discussion
  • Inform the LA senior officer of the recommendation for ratification by the LA
  • Confirm the nominee’s appointment as a SAC RVE member.

The representative should, as far as possible, be nominated from the appropriate local faith or belief group. If this is not possible, representatives could be nominated from outside the LA.

Individuals nominated to be representative members of Group A should meet the following requirements:

  • The individual should write/ email the clerk expressing their interest in education in Wales and outlining their reasons for wishing to join Pembrokeshire SAC RVE.
  • The individual should be able to demonstrate an affiliation to Pembrokeshire.
  • New members will not require a reference, but their letter requires their organisation to state that they know of no reason that would prejudice their position as a potential member of SAC RVE.
  • Potential members will be asked to confirm in writing that they agree and support the statutory duties of SAC RVE as set out in the Education Act 1996 and in this constitution.

In the absence of any nominees from the representative group, the LA may nominate and appoint a person that they consider to be representative of that group and it deems appropriate to fill that vacancy.

Convening an Agreed Syllabus Conference

The locally agreed syllabus must be reviewed every five years. The agreed syllabus conference (ASC) will be convened to review the agreed syllabus at least every five years, more often if required.

The conference will reflect the membership of all groups. Co-opted members may participate in the agreed syllabus conferences but may not vote during proceedings. Each group will be allocated one vote collectively; if the vote in unanimous, the recommendation to accept/ adopt the syllabus will then be made to the LA.


Pembrokeshire SAC RVE may, if required convene working parties to take forward specific projects pertinent to RVE and CW within Pembrokeshire.

In accordance with the statutory requirements of the Education Act, 1996, the press and public will be entitled to attend SAC RVE meetings, but may be excluded from meetings that consider sensitive and confidential issues. The press and public will not be entitled to attend meetings of the agreed syllabus conference.

The constitution will be reviewed on a biennial basis at the Autumn (AGM) meeting.


ID: 9706, revised 08/03/2023