SACRE Annual Report 2021-22
Section 1: Information about SACRE
1.1 Duty to establish SACRE
All Local Authorities (LAs) are required to constitute a Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) within their local area.
1.2 Composition of SACR
Representation on SACRE is required as follows:
- such Christian and other religious denominations as, in the opinion of the LA, will appropriately reflect the principal religious traditions in the area;
- associations representing teachers; and
- the Local Authority.
1.3 Membership of SACRE
The list of members of Pembrokeshire SACRE is set out in Appendix 1.
1.4 Functions of SACRE
- To advise the LA on worship and the religious education to be given in accordance with the agreed syllabus including methods of teaching, advice on materials and the provision of training for teachers;
- To consider whether to recommend to the LA that its current agreed syllabus should be reviewed by convening an Agreed Syllabus Conference;
- To consider whether the requirement that religious worship in a county school should be ‘broadly Christian in nature’ should be varied (determinations);
- To report to the LA and the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) on its activities on an annual basis.
1.5 Meetings of SACRE
SACRE met on three occasions during the 2021 –2022 academic year. The agenda for each meeting can be found in Appendix 2. All meetings were held remotely via Microsoft TEAMS.
- 3rd November 2021
- 26th January 2022
- 9th March 2022
1.6 Circulation of Report
A list of the organisations receiving the report can be found in Appendix 5.
Section 2: Advice on religious education
2.1 The locally agreed syllabus
In the Spring Term 2008 the Standing Conference endorsed and adopted a new agreed syllabus for the Authority’s schools, which was implemented from September 2008. The agreed syllabus closely relates to the National Exemplar Framework for RE. A yearly programme of INSET on the agreed syllabus and support materials, including schemes of work and electronic Progress in Learning files for secondary schools, was issued to schools.
In the Spring Term 2022, within the spirit of regional working, Pembrokeshire County Council started to work collaboratively with both Swansea and Carmarthenshire councils to develop their agreed syllabi as well as planning for professional learning to support with curriculum design and professional learning for Religion, Values and Ethics within the Curriculum for Wales.
In line with the legislative changes and the introduction of the Curriculum for Wales 2022, Pembrokeshire started work on their new locally agreed syllabus for RVE. A careful and cautious timeline was developed in conjunction with the Legal Team in Pembrokeshire County Council.
The focus for the Pembrokeshire RVE Agreed Syllabus (AS), in conjunction with SACRE discussions as well as conversations with teachers was to ensure that:
- The AS need to be a co-constructed piece of work; utilising teacher needs and, where appropriate, pupil voice.
- The syllabus needs to work for teachers and accommodate the principles of the CfW.
- RVE is locally determined; the syllabus needs to reflect this.
- The legislation on RVE/ CfW is enshrined in human rights law. The removal of the right to withdraw is based on the premise that RVE is critical, pluralistic and objective. The syllabus must support this.
- The syllabus will be written to empower teachers to design their RVE syllabus according to their setting, whilst also supporting them with recommendations and guidance. It will be a flexible syllabus whereby teachers can use their professional judgement and understanding of their context to put together a curriculum that suits their needs.
- The syllabus will allow transition across the phases and give clear suggestions regarding progress in RVE.
- It will be designed to drive the four purposes of CfW, the Statements of What Matter and the sub lenses of the RVE guidance.
All Pembrokeshire SACRE members were invited to be part of the Pembrokeshire Agreed Syllabus Conference, with meetings held virtually at the following times. The agenda items are in Appendix 3.
- 16th June 2022
- 22nd June 2022
Following the second meeting, the new RVE Agreed Syllabus was formally accepted and recommended to the LA for their adoption.
2.2 Standards in RE
SACRE has adopted a number of strategies for monitoring standards being achieved in religious education in the Authority’s schools, which include the following:
2.2a School Inspection Reports
There was only one school who received ESTYN core inspection during the 2021-22 academic year. The following comment was made in the report:
Most pupils develop a good understanding of the importance of moral citizenship through their awareness of the values that are promoted by the school. Older pupils are completely aware of the importance of equality as part of their work on children’s rights.
There were no RVE shortcomings identified.
2.2b Examination Results
Examination results for GCSE and GCE Advanced Level achieved by pupils at the seven schools with secondary aged pupils within the LA have been analysed and considered. Figures that relate to results over the last five years were analysed to indicate trends in performance. The examination results are compared with the All Wales figures, where available. The data was shared with SACRE members at the autumn 2022 meeting and discussed at the spring 2023 meeting.
Number of entries for GCSE full and short course RS have remained fairly static over the last five years. In 2018, 546 students were entered for full course GCSE. In 2022, the number was 505. In 2018, there were 303 students entered for short course GCSE and this increased to 496 in 2022.
The overall percentage of A*-A grades for Pembrokeshire full course was 23.2%, an increase from 21.4% in 2018. The overall percentage of A*-C grades for Pembrokeshire was 64% and this is an increase from 59% in 2018.
The overall percentage of A*-A grades for Pembrokeshire short course was 10.9%, a decrease from 32% in 2018. The overall percentage of A*-C grades for Pembrokeshire was 44.8% and this is a decrease from 45.2% in 2018.
All schools with secondary aged pupils in Pembrokeshire enter pupils for either full or short course RS, but one school only has entries for the short course qualification.
At GCE Advanced Level, 13 candidates were entered from four schools and this is a significant decrease from 71 entries in 2018.
Results at A*-A were 46.2% and demonstrated an improvement on the 2018 figure of 16.9%. Results at A*-C were 84.6% and compare favourably to the 2018 figure of 71.8% The pass rate was 100% which has been steady for the past three years.
Of the four schools with post 16 provision, only two have A level RS candidates, and in one of these schools, there was only one candidate.
Detailed tables of examination results are found in Appendix 4.
2.3 Methods of Teaching, Teacher Materials and Teacher Training
Professional Development
- Professional learning has been provided by the regional consortium. This involved sessions on planning for RVE within the Humanities AoLE and also secondary network sessions.
- Pembrokeshire Governors have had the opportunity to attend a webinar focusing on the legal changes for RVE within the Curriculum for Wales on the 17th June. The agenda for the session was:
- What is RVE?
- Legislation regarding RVE
- What are the mandatory and statutory aspects of RVE?
- The process and purpose of the RVE locally agreed syllabus
- The role of SACRVE in supporting and monitoring RVE provision
- The support offered by the RVE adviser, SACRVE and the LA to ensure that RVE provision in schools is critical, objective and pluralistic.
Teaching Materials
Teaching materials have been provided by the regional consortium.
Section 3: Advice on collective worship
3.1 School Inspection Reports
SACRE has examined the relevant sections of the LA school inspection report. During the academic year 2021-2022, there was one core ESTYN inspection.
Good features
The school presents sensible lessons that examine human rights and make a valuable contribution to pupils’ spiritual and moral development.
There were no shortcomings identified.
3.2 Applications for Determination
No applications were received from schools for determinations to be made on the lifting of the requirements for collective worship to be wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character.
3.3 School Visits
SACRE appreciates the opportunities accorded to members to observe acts of collective worship in schools. No acts of collective worship were observed this year due to the pandemic.
Section 4: Other issues
SACRE has continued to affiliate to WASACRE and representatives have attended its meetings. During the 2021-22 academic year, issues considered at WASACRE meetings have been fully reported back to SACRE and full discussions have taken place. SACRE welcomes the pro-active work of WASACRE in taking up issues that have implications for RE and keeping members of SACRE fully informed.
4.2 Holocaust Memorial Day 2022
Resources have been shared by the regional consortium.
4.3 Welsh Government RVE Guidance
The Welsh Government RVE Guidance was published in January 2021 and shared with all schools in Pembrokeshire.
4.4 Training of SACRE Members
As part of ongoing training, members of SACRE are committed to the following:
- To keep members updated on developments in RE and collective worship through regular presentations to SACRE members.
- SACRE, where possible, will hold meetings at schools in Pembrokeshire for members to familiarise themselves with RE and collective worship in schools. This has not been possible this year, however, will be reinstated as a protocol for 2022/23 if possible.
- SACRE, where possible, will hold meetings at places of worship in Pembrokeshire for members to familiarise themselves with the faith communities and look at the experience that could be offered to schools through school visits. This has not been possible this year, however, will be reinstated as a protocol for 2022/23 if possible.
- Each meeting will include at least one presentation regarding RE, which informs SACRE members about RE practice both within and outside of the school environment. In 2021-22, the following presentations were given:
- Presentation on the development of Swansea SACRE from Jennifer Harding-Richards in the autumn meeting.
- Presentation on the development of the SACRE/ SACRVE constitution and the ASC process from Jennifer Harding-Richards in the spring meeting.
- Presentation on the RVE guidance, ASC and the Swansea teachers audit of RE from Jennifer Harding-Richards in the summer meeting.
SACRE is very appreciative of the opportunities offered through visits and presentations to become more informed on RE and Collective Worship issues in schools and would like to extend their appreciation to all concerned.
4.5 Membership of SACRE
Pembrokeshire SACRE prides itself on the inclusive nature of its membership and encourage a range of diverse views to be expressed on the committee and during meetings. The membership is strong and diverse and provides a real reflection on both the ‘religious and secular’ nature of the LA. SACRE is working on building upon its membership, particularly in inviting more teachers to be involved and present during meetings.
Appendix one: Pembrokshire SACRE membership 2021-22
Christian Denominations and other religions
- Church in Wales: Rev John Cecil
- Roman Catholic: Sarah Mansfield
- Nonconformist: Mr Emyr Phillips/Rev Chris Gilham
- Muslim Community: Vacant
- Hindu Community: Vacant
- Buddhist Community: Roland Jones
- Humanist Association: Clare Campbell
Teacher associations
- SHA: Vacant
- NEU: Vacant
- NASUWT: Lucy Harris/Martyn Williams
- UCAC: Glenys George/Amanda Lawrence
- NAHT: Heather Cale
- VOICE: Vacant
- UCU: Vacant
Local Education Authority (Cllrs)
- Simon Hancock
- Huw George
- Stanley Hudson
- Stephen Joseph
- Elwyn Morse
- Paul Rapi
- Alison Tudor
From May 2022
- Jamie Adams
- Andrew Edwards
- Mike James
- Sam Skyrme-Blackhall
- Marc Tierney
SACRVE Officers
- Mrs Sian Rowles - Education Department, Pembrokeshire Council
- Mrs Jennifer Harding-Richards – RE Advisory support
- Mrs Bethan Jones-Hughes – RE Advisory support
- Mrs Lydia Cheshire – Democratic Services Officer
Appendix 2
Schedule of Meetings and Agenda Items
The main items of business on the agenda included:
3rd November 2021
- Re-election of chair and vice chair
- Apologies for absence
- Declarations of interest
- Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising
- Swansea SACRE documents for consideration
- Pembrokeshire SACRE draft constitution/ terms of reference
- Date of next meeting
26th January 2022
- Apologies for absence
- Declaration of interest
- Accuracy of minutes and matters arising
- Membership
- Provisional plan for ASC
- Date of next meeting
9th March 2022
- Election of chair and vice chair
- Welcome
- Apologies for absence
- Accuracy of minutes and matters arising
- RVE guidance, ASC and audit
- Professional learning for RVE
- Group A update
- Group B update
- Pembrokeshire SACRE – PCC website
- Annual report 2020-21
- WASACRE update
- Date of next meeting
Appendix 3: ASC Agenda Items
The main items of business on the agenda included:
16th June 2022
- Appointment of Chair
- Apologies for Absence
- To consider the ASC process and share process/ protocol/ legalities
- To discuss the purpose and aim of a locally agreed syllabus
- To share feedback from practitioners audit and pupil voice
- To review the current agreed syllabus (2008)
- To review the WG RVE guidance
- To discuss the Pembrokeshire agreed syllabus draft 1
- To agree on action points for the second ASC meeting: 22 June 2022
22nd June 2022
- Apologies for Absence
- Minutes of the previous meeting and any matters arising 3 – 7
- To approve as a correct record the following Minutes: 16 June 2022
- To consider the updated Pembrokeshire Agreed Syllabus
- Feedback from Agreed Syllabus - open discussion
- To agree introduction to the Agreed Syllabus
- Formal voting
- Legacy Agreed Syllabus to be re adopted for non-Curriculum for Wales year groups
- Recommendation of new Agreed Syllabus
Appendix 4: Examination results 2022
Religious studies A2
Pembrokeshire |
Entries |
A* |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
U |
Religious studies | 13 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Cumulative % | - | 30.8 | 46.2 | 76.9 | 84.6 | 92.3 | 100.0 | 100.0 |
Religious studies GCSE's
Pembrokeshire |
Entries |
A* |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
U |
X |
Religious studies | 505 | 60 | 57 | 110 | 96 | 51 | 37 | 36 | 23 | 32 | 3 |
Cumulative % | - | 11.9 | 23.2 | 45.0 | 64.0 | 74.1 | 81.4 | 88.5 | 93.1 | 99.4 | 100.0 |
RS Short Course | 496 | 19 | 35 | 94 | 74 | 66 | 66 | 48 | 41 | 42 | 11 |
Cumulative % | - | 3.8 | 10.9 | 29.8 | 44.8 | 58.1 | 71.4 | 81.0 | 89.3 | 97.8 | 100.0 |
Apendix 5: Circulation of Report
Copies will be sent electronically to the relevant bodies. This report will be available on the WASACRE website for interested parties to download. It will also be put on the SACRE section of the Pembrokeshire LA website.
- Pembrokeshire County Council Education Department
- All members of SACRE
- Headteachers and Governing Bodies of all Schools and Colleges in the County of Pembrokeshire
- Diocese of St David’s
- Minister for Education, Welsh Government
- Partneriaeth