Objectives of the Agreed Syllabus

The Agreed Syllabus is not designed to be a scheme of work, but rather a helpful guide and legal reference point for schools to support them in designing an appropriate and relevant curriculum for their learners, which includes RVE within the Humanities Area. It is intended that this syllabus be used in conjunction with the RVE guidance. The approach of the Curriculum for Wales Framework is based on the principle of subsidiarity and, as such, the Agreed Syllabus recognises and reflects the autonomy of each school and setting in realising its own curriculum.

The Agreed Syllabus is written to empower and support teachers and schools to make provision for all pupils to not only develop the four purposes of the Curriculum for Wales, but also prepares learners for life within our multi-religious and multi-secular world. The Agreed Syllabus recognises that while the principal religions and their traditions in Pembrokeshire and Wales should be taught in all schools, other beliefs (including non-religious philosophical convictions such as humanism and atheism) are now a recognised part of life within local areas in Wales and beyond. This is reflected in the Act which states that the Agreed Syllabus:

  • must reflect the fact that the religious traditions in Wales are in the main Christian while taking account of the teaching and practices of the other principal religions represented in Wales
  • must also reflect the fact that a range of non-religious philosophical convictions are held in Wales

Those charged with curriculum design for RVE are responsible for ensuring that the RVE provided within their setting adheres to this legislation. Pembrokeshire SACRVE can advise if needed.

ID: 9362, revised 28/08/2024