Report Fraud, Bribery or Corruption

We promote a zero tolerance approach to fraud, corruption and bribery in all forms.

We will not tolerate fraud, bribery and corruption by our Members, employees, suppliers, contractors, partners, shared services, service users or the public.

If you think that someone is committing fraud against the Council, or that a Council employee or an elected member is guilty of bribery or corruption, you can tell us about your concerns.

How to make a report

The quickest and easiest way to report fraud is through our online reporting form

Your report will then be directed to our dedicated Counter Fraud Officer.

You can contact our Counter Fraud officer on:

Your report can be submitted anonymously

We will hold all information provided in the strictest confidence in line with our Data Protection Policy


Examples of the type of conduct you may want to report

  • Subletting or not living in their council house;
  • Claiming single person discount on their council tax when there are other adults living in the household;
  • Not declaring savings, income or financial assets in order to obtain social care payments, a grant or Council Tax reduction;
  • A council officer/elected member taking a bribe in exchange for an unfair advantage;
  • A council officer/elected member carrying out private or other work during Council work time;
  • The misuse of council owned information or materials.

This is not a complete list, so please let us know about any other concerns you may have so we can investigate further.

Please note: We can only investigate allegations against persons who live in Pembrokeshire or who work for Pembrokeshire County Council

ID: 11134, revised 14/11/2023