Publication Scheme

Publication Scheme

Pembrokeshire County Council is committed to openness and transparency. This Publication Scheme provides links to information that can be viewed online, and explains how to access information that is not available online. If the information you want is not listed you can make a request as detailed on the How to Make a Request page.

Please click on the classes of information listed above to access the information available.

ID: 1717, revised 23/06/2023

Who we are and what we do

Organisational information, structures, locations and contacts.


How the Council works

The Council and Democracy


Council constitution



Council democratic structure

Committee structure


Organisational chart

Organisation structure


Gender pay gap reporting

Employers gender pay gap report (opens in a new tab)


Location and opening times of Council properties

Customer Service

Customer Service Centres


Leisure Centres

Waste & Recycling Centres

Pembrokeshire Archives

Scolton Manor (opens in a new tab)


Community Learning Centres


Car Parks - Pembrokeshire County Council

Parc Gwyn Crematorium - Pembrokeshire County Council


Currently elected councillors' information and contact details

Your Councillors


Contact details for all customer-facing departments

Departments can be contacted via the following: Contact us


Most recent election results

Election Results


Relationships with other Authorities

Safer Pembrokeshire - Pembrokeshire County Council

Public Services Board - Pembrokeshire County Council

West Wales Regional Partnership Board (opens in a new tab)

Partneriaeth Cymru (opens in a new tab)

Swansea Bay City Deal (opens in a new tab)

Committee details - South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee: NPT CBC (opens in a new tab)

Cysur | Mid & West Wales Safeguarding Board Safeguarding children & adults (opens in a new tab)

Adoption Mid and West Wales - Adoption Mid and West Wales (opens in a new tab)

Outside Bodies - Pembrokeshire County Council

ChoiceHomes Pembrokeshire (opens in a new tab)

Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership 

ID: 1718, revised 24/07/2024

What we spend and how we spend it

Financial information about projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit.


Financial statements, budgets and variance reports

Budget reports are reported to Cabinet throughout the year and are available via the Cabinet meeting minutes

Details of expenditure over £500 can be requested from the Authority if required.


Capital programme

The Capital programme is in the Capital Strategy and Budget Report. The programme is updated throughout the year with re-profiling/new bids (as per governance arrangements set in the Capital Strategy) and this is included within the budget monitoring reports reported to Cabinet throughout the year and are available via the Cabinet meeting minutes.


Spending reviews

Not applicable


Financial audit reports

Publications | Audit Wales (opens in a new tab) 


The members' allowances scheme and the allowances paid under it to councillors each year

Members Schedule Of Remuneration


Staff allowances and expenses


Pay and grading structure

Pay Policy Statement


Election expenses (returns or declarations and accompanying documents relating to election expenses sent to the council)

Voter ID

Details on election expenses will appear here during election periods.


Procurement procedures, including any country specific requirements (eg Wales procurement policy statement)

Procurement Strategy

Tenders and Contracts

Wales procurement policy statement (opens in a new tab) 


Details of contracts and tenders to businesses and to the voluntary community and social enterprise sector

Current Contract List and Forward Contract Plan


Details of grants to the voluntary community and social enterprise sector

Benefits, Support & Grants


District auditor's report

Included as part of the Statement of Accounts - Statement of Accounts 


Financial statements for projects and events

Statement of Accounts

Capital programme reports and monitoring reported to Cabinet throughout the year and are available via the Cabinet meeting minutes.


Internal financial regulations

Financial Procedure Rules are included as an Appendix to the Authority’s Constitution.


Funding for partnership arrangements

Notes included in the Authority’s Statement of Accounts.

Partneriaeth Cymru (opens in a new tab)

Swansea Bay City Deal (opens in a new tab)

Public Services Board

South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee: NPT CBC (opens in a new tab)


TU facility time reporting

n/a - only relates to England – Wales opted out of the obligation to record TU facility time

ID: 1719, revised 26/10/2023

What our priorities are and how we are doing

Strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews.


Annual reports

Improvement Planning

Annual Report of the Director of Social Services

Public Services Board Annual Reports


Strategies and business plans for services provided by the council

Improvement Planning

Cabinet Programme for Administration 2022-2027

Well-being Plan

Pembrokeshire Recovery and Regeneration Strategy 2020-2030

Property Asset Documents


Best value local performance plan

Improvement Planning


Internal and external organisation performance reviews, including external audits

Audit Wales (opens in a new tab)

Estyn (opens in a new tab)

Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) (opens in a new tab)


Strategies developed in partnership with other authorities

Safer Pembrokeshire - Pembrokeshire County Council

Public Services Board - Pembrokeshire County Council

West Wales Regional Partnership Board (opens in a new tab)

Partneriaeth Cymru (opens in a new tab)

Swansea Bay City Deal (opens in a new tab)

Committee details - South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee: NPT CBC (opens in a new tab)

Cysur | Mid & West Wales Safeguarding Board Safeguarding children & adults (opens in a new tab)

Adoption Mid and West Wales - Adoption Mid and West Wales (opens in a new tab)

Outside Bodies - Pembrokeshire County Council

ChoiceHomes Pembrokeshire (opens in a new tab)

Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership 


Economic development action plan

Pembrokeshire Recovery and Regeneration Strategy 2020-2030

Local Development Plan


Forward plan

Improvement Planning

Cabinet Programme for Administration 2022-2027


Capital strategy

Appendix C


Best value performance indicators

Performance Management Framework

Improvement Planning

The Corporate Scorecard (outlining key performance information) is reported to Cabinet throughout the year and is available via the Cabinet meeting minutes.


District auditor's reports on the best value performance plan and performance indicators

Publications | Audit Wales (opens in a new tab)


Comprehensive performance assessment

Improvement Planning


Inspection reports

Audit Wales (opens in a new tab)

Estyn (opens in a new tab)

Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) (opens in a new tab)


Statistical information produced in accordance with the council's and departmental requirements

What we do - Pembrokeshire County Council


Data protection impact assessments (in full or summary format) or any other impact assessments (eg health and safety impact assessments, equality impact assessments), as appropriate and relevant

Integrated Impact Assessment

Integrated Impact Assessments are published as part of reports to Cabinet and Council as appropriate and not as standalone documents


Service standards

Our Customer Charter - Pembrokeshire County Council



Improvement Planning

Well-being Plan

ID: 1720, revised 14/08/2024

How we make decisions

Decision-making processes and records of decisions.


Timetable of council meetings

Monthly meetings calendar - February 2023


Agendas, officers' reports, background papers and minutes of council committee, sub-committee and standing forum meetings

Committee structure


Major policy proposals and decisions

Decision Making Processes


Facts and analyses of facts considered when framing major policies

Integrated into reports to Cabinet and Council as appropriate and not as standalone documents.

Well-being Assessment


Public consultations

Have Your Say


Internal communications guidance, criteria used for decision-making, internal instructions, manuals and guidelines

Current Policies and Procedures

ID: 1721, revised 28/06/2023

Our policies and procedures

Current written protocols, policies and procedures for delivering our services and responsibilities.


Policies and procedures for conducting business

Current Policies and Procedures


Policies and procedures for delivering services

Our Customer Charter

How to Make a Request


Pay Policy Statement

Pay Policy Statement


Policies and procedures about the recruitment and employment of staff

Working for the Council

Job Search


Equality, diversity and inclusion policies

Equal Opportunities Statement


Welcome to the Inclusion Service


Health and safety

Protecting persons at work and members of the public


Customer service and complaints policies and procedures

Our Customer Charter 



Records management, personal data and access to information policies

Personal Information Promise

How does the Council ensure compliance with Data Protection legislation?


File plans (high level, for current records management systems)

Not applicable


Charging regimes and policies

Fees and Charges

ID: 1723, revised 29/06/2023

Lists and registers

Public registers and registers held as public records

Planning Applications

Building Control Applications

Bus Routes

List of Providers

Haverfordwest Farmers Market - List of Traders

Secondary School Cafeteria Price List


Disclosure logs

Search Disclosure Log


Register of councillors' financial and other interests

Each Councillors’ register of interests and related party transaction can be found under their name here: Your Councillors


Senior officers’ declaration of interests

Member’s & Officer’s Related Parties


Register of gifts and hospitality

Each Councillors’ register of interests can be found under their name here: Your Councillors


Highways, licensing, planning, commons, footpaths

Highways Development

Road works

Licensing Public Register

Planning Applications

Building Control Applications

Common Land and Village Greens

The Consolidated Definitive Map


Register of electors {ie open/edited register)

What is the Electoral Register?

ID: 1724, revised 14/08/2024

The services we offer

Information about the services the council provides including leaflets, guidance and newsletters.


Regulatory and licensing responsibilities



Services for local businesses and other organisations



Services for members of the public, advice and guidance (including leaflets, booklets and newsletters)



Services for which you are entitled to recover a fee, together with those fees

Fees and Charges


Information for visitors to the area, leisure information, events, museums, libraries and archive collections

Holidays in Pembrokeshire, Wales - Hotels, Accommodation & Things To Do (opens in a new tab)


Media releases



Election information

Voter ID

ID: 1725, revised 10/09/2024