Pembrokeshire’s Well-being Plan
In our first Well-being Plan we identified two broad, high level Well-being Objectives to be the focus of our Plan and to act as the framework through which the PSB could prioritise their key areas of focus. For each of these objectives we identified a further four priority areas, which identified the key issues in the County.
Who we are
We want to help our people, communities and organisations so that we can support ourselves and each other.
Priority areas
- Living and working
- Resourceful communities
Where we live
We want to protect and enhance our natural assets whilst optimising economic prospects, accessibility and health for all.
Priority areas
- Tackling rurality
- Protecting our environment
Beneath each of these objectives and priority areas we identified a further eight projects or workstreams, which cut across traditional thematic boundaries, enabling us to work in a more integrated way and recognising the interconnectedness of well-being in all its forms.