Additional activity in 2021-22
Well-being assessment
Work to develop our latest Well-being Assessment began in June 2021 and we published our second Well-being Assessment in May 2022. Production of a Well-being Assessment is a statutory requirement under the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, and its purpose is to set out what is important to people and communities in Pembrokeshire in terms of well-being.
Pembrokeshire’s second Well-being Assessment has looked at the key issues for people and communities in Pembrokeshire through analysis of key data, information sources and research, engagement with citizens and stakeholders, and consideration of future trends. The Well-being Assessment is an important step in developing our next Plan, and will provide the evidence base for the PSB to identify our Well-being Objectives and to prioritise our future actions.
Key statistics:
- Our Well-being Assessment questionnaire was developed in partnership with PSB partner agencies and colleagues across the region
- 320 survey responses to the questionnaire were received in Pembrokeshire through the Engagement HQ consultation platform
- 979 responses were received to a survey developed specifically for young people
- Engagement sessions were held with 13 separate forums and networks
- Our Assessment was published in May 2022: well-being assessment
PSB climate change group
A PSB Climate Change group consisting of senior PSB members and officers from partner organisations was established in August 2021. The purpose of this group is to;
- Oversee the work of the PSB in relation to climate change
- Provide a means of sharing good practice across members
- Facilitate partnership working and build on the work of individual members to develop a co-ordinated approach to climate change in Pembrokeshire and across South West Wales
- Identify and develop proposals which can deliver additional funding to tackle issues relating to climate change
In November 2021 funding was awarded from the Community Renewal Fund to develop a climate adaptation strategy for Pembrokeshire. This work, led by Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum and Alan Netherwood Sustainable Futures, involves officers from PSB organisations participating in a number of workshops. The aim is for the strategy to provide some of the building blocks for Pembrokeshire to prepare for a changed future climate and to provide a strategic approach to increase the County’s resilience and prepare for the resulting climate risks. Work on the strategy is due to be completed by July 2022.
Pride in Pembrokeshire
Pride in Pembrokeshire is a Public Services Board (PSB) led initiative started in 2017 as a way to recognise and celebrate the volunteers, community groups and organisations whose work improves the economic, social, cultural and environmental well-being of people and communities in Pembrokeshire. The aim of the PSB in sponsoring the award is to not only raise awareness of the PSB itself but also of the groups which demonstrate a commitment to building stronger, sustainable communities, and whose work contributes to the national well-being goals set out in the Well-being of Future Generations Act.
In early 2021 the project was evaluated and and then re-launched in September 2021. Winners are now selected every two months and the award is sponsored by several PSB organisations. Winning groups are selected based on their alignment with the priorities in the Well-being Plan and in line with how their work links with the work of the sponsoring organisation. It was decided as part of the evaluation that there was a lack of recognition for applicants who are not successful in winning the award but continue to do good work within Pembrokeshire. Therefore it was agreed that all applicants for the award should be listed in future PSB annual reports as a way of acknowledging their work and providing continuing exposure for the groups. A list of groups that applied between September 2021 and May 2022 can be found in Appendix 1.
Regional working
We continue to work closely with our neighbouring PSBs in Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion on shared priorities. We took an overarching regional approach to development of our Well-being Assessment with the development of a joint methodology, which set out a standardised approach to data gathering, analysis, engagement and consultation across the region. Through this approach, we were able to reflect on the findings of the first assessments and incorporate feedback from citizens, stakeholders, Welsh Government and the Future Generations Commissioner.
The co-ordinators from each of the three Local Authorities in the region continue to meet on a monthly basis to ensure a collective approach to PSB working across the region wherever possible and work has already begun on developing a shared approach to development of our next Well-being plans.