Welcome to Pembrokeshire PSB’s Annual Report for 2021-22, in which we reflect not only on what we’ve achieved in the last year, but also on what we’ve achieved over the last five years of our first Well-being Plan.
In January 2022 we signed up to become involved in a project working with the Co-production Network for Wales, who are providing support to implement a greater level of co-production and involvement with citizens and communities. Much of our focus during the second half of last year was on producing our second Well-being Assessment, which was published in May 2022. The Assessment identifies the key issues for people and communities in Pembrokeshire and will form the basis of our next Well-being Plan.
The public service landscape continues to be filled with challenges - recovery from the Covid pandemic, resource issues and financial uncertainty - and these have all had an impact upon our progress this year. However, we remain committed to working together as partners within Pembrokeshire and regionally, building on the relationships we have formed over the last five years, and will continue to move forward to try to find ways to make progress towards our goals.
I would like to take this opportunity as I move away from Chairing the PSB to thank all partner agencies for their contributions to the work of the Board over the last 5 years and look forward to building on this in our work together to deliver the next Well-being Plan.
Tegryn Jones
Chair of Pembrokeshire Public Services Board - May 2017 to May 2022