Policies and Procedures
Pay Policy Statement
2024 - 2025
1. Introduction and purpose
1.1 As a ‘relevant authority’ under Sections 38 to 43 of the Localism Act 2011 (‘the Act’) we are required under 38 (1) to prepare a pay policy statement. These statements must articulate an authority’s own policies on a range of matters relating to the pay of its workforce, particularly its senior staff (or ‘chief officers’) and its lowest paid employees.
1.2 The Council recognises the role of trade unions in consultation and negotiation of pay at local, regional and national levels. The Council supports the National Joint Councils and Joint Negotiating Committees which govern the national agreements concerning pay and conditions of service which are applicable to all of the employee groups referred to in this pay policy statement.
1.3 In accordace with section 40(2) of the Act, the Welsh Government has issued Guidance[1] that sets out the key policy principles that underpin the pay accountability provisions in the Act. The Council takes due regard to this guidance in the preparation and approval of the pay policy statement.
2. Legislative framework
2.1 In determining the pay and remuneration of all its employees, the Council will comply with all relevant employment legislation. This includes:
a) The Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (Wales) Regulations 2006
b) The Equality Act 2010
c) The Part Time Employment (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000
d) Agency Workers Regulations 2010
e) Fixed Term Employees (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) regulations 2002, and, where relevant
f) The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006.
g) The Local Government Elections (Wales) Act 2021
h) The Social Partnership and Public Procurement (Wales) Act 2022
2.2 With regard to the equal pay requirements contained within the Equality Act, the Council has sought to ensure that there is no unlawful discrimination within its pay structures and that all pay differentials can be objectively justified through the use of a valid job evaluation scheme which directly relates basic pay to the requirements, demands and responsibilities of each role.
3. Scope of the Pay Policy
3.1 The Localism Act 2011 requires local authorities to develop and make public their pay policy on all aspects of chief officer remuneration (including on ceasing to hold office) and also in relation to the ‘lowest paid’ in the authority, explaining their policy on the relationship between remuneration for chief officers and other groups.
3.2 Under section 38(4) of the Act, a relevant authority’s pay policy statement must include the authority’s policies relating to:
a) the level and elements of remuneration for each chief officer
b) remuneration of chief officers on recruitment
c) increases and additions to remuneration for each chief officer
d) the use of performance-related pay for chief officers
e) the use of bonuses for chief officers
f) the approach to the payment of chief officers on their ceasing to hold office under or to be employed by the authority; and
g) publication of and access to information relating to remuneration of chief officers.
3.3 The provisions in the Localism Act 2011 which relate to pay policy statements only apply to employees directly appointed and managed by a Council. Employees who are appointed and managed by school governing bodies are therefore not required to be included within the scope of pay policy statements. This reflects the legal position whereby school employees are employed by the Council, but decisions about the appointment and management of such employees are the prerogative of the Head Teacher or Governing Body, as appropriate.
4. Broad Principles of the Council’s Pay Policy
4.1 Transparency, accountability and value for money
The Council is committed to an open and transparent approach to pay policy which will enable the tax payer to access, understand and assess information on remuneration levels across all groups of council employees. To this end, the following are provided as appendices to this policy:
a) Pembrokeshire County Council pay scales – NJC for Local Government Services employees (Appendix A)
b) Pembrokeshire County Council pay scales – JNC’s for Local Authorities Chief Executives and Chief Officers (Appendix B)
c) Pay Scales for employees subject to the Soulbury Agreement (Appendix C)
d) Pembrokeshire County Council’s LGPS Discretionary policies published as required under the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) (Amendment) Regulations 2018 (Appendix D)
Relevant national terms and conditions of service agreements are available to all staff on the Intranet of the HR Division.
4.2 Development of Pay and Reward Strategy
4.2.1 The primary aim of a reward strategy is to attract, retain and motivate suitably skilled employees so that the Council can perform at its best. The development of a pay and reward strategy is therefore a matter of striking a balance between setting remuneration at appropriate levels to ensure a sufficient supply of appropriately skilled individuals to fill the Council’s very wide range of positions, whilst also ensuring that the burden on the taxpayer does not become greater than can be fully and objectively justified.
4.2.2 In this context, it needs to be recognised that at the more senior levels, remuneration levels need to be adequate to recruit from a suitably wide pool of talent (which will ideally include people from the private as well as the public sector, and from outside as well as within Wales) and to retain suitably skilled and qualified individuals once in post. It must be recognised that the Council will often be recruiting for talent in competition with other employers in the public and private sector.
4.2.3 In addition, the Council is the major employer in Pembrokeshire. As such, the Council must have regard to its role in improving the economic wellbeing of the people of the county. The availability of good quality employment on reasonable terms and conditions and fair rates of pay has a beneficial effect of the quality of life in the community as well as the local economy. The Council also has a role in setting a benchmark on pay and conditions for other employers in the area for the same reasons.
4.2.4 In designing, developing and reviewing its pay and reward strategy, the Council will seek to balance these factors appropriately to optimise outcomes for the Council as an organisation and also for the community it serves, whilst managing pay costs appropriately and maintaining sufficient flexibility to meet future needs.
4.3 Job Evaluation and Pay Grades
4.3.1 Job evaluation is a systematic way of determining the value / worth of a job in relation to other jobs within an organisation. It aims to make a systematic comparison between jobs to assess their relative worth for the purpose of establishing a rational pay structure and pay equity between jobs.
4.3.2 The Council applies the concept of job families and role profiles, and the methodology of job family allocation. The Scheme is Equal Pay compliant.
4.3.3 A Workforce Panel, comprising of Senior Leadership, HR and Trade Union representation meets quarterly to monitor and quality assure technical compliance with the Scheme.
4.4 Market pay supplements
4.4.1 The use of a job evaluation scheme enables the Council to set appropriate remuneration levels based on internal job size relativities within the Council. However, from time to time, in exceptional circumstances it may be necessary to take account of the external pay market in order to attract and retain employees with particular experience, skills and qualifications, where these are in short supply.
4.4.2 It is the Council’s policy to ensure that the requirement for any such market pay supplement is objectively justified by reference to clear evidence of relevant market comparators, using reliable data sources. It is the Council’s policy that any such additional payments are kept to a minimum and reviewed regularly so that they can be withdrawn when no longer considered necessary. The Council has a Pay Structure Maintenance Policy which set out how such pay arrangements are monitored.
4.5 Honoraria
4.5.1 There may be occasions when an employee is asked to carry out the full duties of an alternative post or duties which are additional to those of their substantive post for a period of time. In such circumstances, payments of Acting-Up allowances and Honoraria shall be in line with Section 4 of the Pay Structure Maintenance Policy.
4.5.2 Any honorarium payments in relation to chief officers shall be approved by the Senior Staff Committee.
4.6 Pay and performance
4.6.1 The Council expects high levels of performance from all its employees and has a Performance and Wellbeing appraisal scheme in place to review, evaluate and manage performance on an ongoing basis.
4.6.2 No performance-related pay is currently applicable to any employee group.
4.7 Local Government Pension Scheme
4.7.1 Subject to certain eligibility rules, employees are automatically enrolled into the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) on commencement. Employees not eligible for automatic enrolment have the right to opt in to scheme membership. Employees’ contribution rates are set by the LGPS regulations and range from 5.5% to 12.5% of pensionable pay depending on actual salary level. The Council’s employer contribution rate is set by the actuaries appointed by the Dyfed Pension Fund following each triennial fund valuation.
4.7.2 The Council has since November 1st 2017 provided a ‘Shared Cost AVC’ arrangement as provided under regulation 16 of the LGPS Regulations 2013.
4.7.3 Under the LGPS regulations, employing authorities have a number of discretionary powers on which they are required to prepare a written policy statement. Pembrokeshire County Council’s written policy statement is attached at Appendix D as updated in compliance with Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) (Amendment) Regulations 2018.
4.8 Other employee benefits
4.8.1 The Council offers staff benefits in line with its statutory obligations and employment good practice, such as expense reimbursement for eye tests for users of display screen equipment at work, and salary sacrifice schemes including childcare vouchers and Cycle to Work and Car Salary Sacrifice Scheme. In 2020 we signed up to an employee benefits platform which allows our staff access to a wide range of retail and leisure discounts.
5. Chief Officer remuneration
5.1 Definitions of Chief Officer and Pay Levels
5.1.1 For the purposes of this statement, ‘chief officers’ are as defined within section 43 of the Localism Act. In the current structure the following 19 posts fall within the definition are as follows:-
- the head of paid service (i.e. the chief executive) designated under section 4(1) of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989;
- the head of law & governance; i.e the monitoring officer designated under section 5(1) of that Act;
- the statutory and non-statutory chief officers (i.e. the Assistant Chief Executive, the 3 Directors of county services and the Head of Infrastructure and Environment) mentioned in section 2(6) and 2(7) of that Act;
- the 13 ‘deputy chief officers (i.e. the heads of service ‘posts’ currently in the structure; one vacancy and one a regional post 50:50 with Carmarthen) mentioned in section 2(8) of that Act.
No other posts in the Authority (i.e. Corporate Manager, Soulbury) are in receipt of a remuneration package of more than £100,000
Remuneration in relation to chief officers for the purposes of pay policy statements (as defined in section 43(3) of the Act) includes:
a. salary (for chief officers who are employees) or payment under a contract for services (for chief officers who are self-employed)
b. bonuses
c. charges, fees and allowances
d. benefits in kind
e. any increase or enhancement of the chief officer’s pension entitlement where that increase is a result of a resolution of the authority
f. any amounts payable on the chief officer ceasing to hold office or to be employed by the authority (future severance payments)
5.1.2 No bonus or performance-related pay mechanism is applicable to chief officers’ pay.
5.1.3 The Council employs Chief Officers under JNC terms and conditions which are incorporated in their contracts. The JNC’s for Chief Officers of Local Authorities negotiates on national (UK) annual cost of living pay increases for this group, and any award of same is determined on this basis. Chief Officers employed under JNC terms and conditions are contractually entitled to any national JNC determined pay rises and the Authority will therefore pay these as and when determined in accordance with current contractual requirements.
5.2 Salaries on Appointment
5.2.1 The Welsh Government recommends that in addition to agreeing the parameters for setting the pay of chief officers, full council should be offered the opportunity to vote on large salary packages which are to be offered in respect of new appointments in accordance with their agreed pay policy statements. The Welsh Ministers consider £100,000 is the right level for that threshold. The Council’s policy and procedures with regard to salaries on appointment are contained within the Governance Arrangements - Officers as set out in Part 2 (Section 10, Part 4.1) of the Constitution. Any salary package[1] in relation to a chief officer below £100,000 must be approved by the Senior Staff Committee and any post with a salary package of £100,000 or over must be first approved by Council prior to any advertisement.
5.3 Additions to Salary of Chief Officers
5.3.1 The Council subsidises the cost of lease cars for chief officers through a car leasing allowance. The level of the allowance from April 2022-23 for the chief executive and directors is set at £8,467 per annum and for heads of service at £5,931 per annum. Business mileage is reimbursed in accordance with the appropriate rates approved by the HMRC. Other reasonable travel and subsistence expenses incurred by a chief officer whilst on Council business are also reimbursed on production of receipts and in accordance with JNC conditions and local conditions.
5.3.2 The cost of two subscriptions to professional bodies or associations is met by the Council for the chief executive, the assistant chief executive and each director.
5.3.3 The cost of one subscription to a professional body or association is met by the Council for each head of service.
5.3.4 The Council has a duty to appoint an Acting Returning Officer for specified elections and referendums. The Council’s chief executive has been appointed to this role for Pembrokeshire. The Acting Returning Officer is personally responsible for a wide range of functions related to the conduct of elections and is paid for discharging those responsibilities in accordance with prescribed fees. Such fees are paid separately from basic salary.
5.3.5 The Council’s policy is not to permit an employee occupying any post on its agreed establishment to be paid other than via the Council’s payroll, and it does not operate arrangements designed to minimise the tax payments of individuals.
5.4 Severance Payments
5.4.1 A local authority is required, by virtue of regulation 7 of the Local Government (Early Termination of Employment) (Discretionary Compensation) (England and Wales) Regulations 2006 to formulate, publish and keep under review the policy that they apply in the exercise of their discretionary powers under Regulations 5 and 6 of those Regulations. The Council’s approach to statutory and discretionary payments on termination of employment of chief officers (and all other employees) by reason of redundancy or in the interests of the service, is set out in its policy under the Local Government (Early Termination of Employment) (Discretionary Compensation) (England and Wales) Regulations 2006. Please refer to Appendix D.
5.4.2 The Authority maintains separate arrangements on Redeployment, Voluntary Early Retirement, Voluntary Severance Scheme, Settlement Agreements and Redundancy in addition to those prescribed by the Regulations referred to at 5.4.1 published internally for staff on our intranet.
5.4.3 The Authority will comply with the Welsh Government’s guidance that payments offered to chief officers leaving the authority, delivers the best value for money for local taxpayers and sets the right example on restraint. The Act is intended to bring into the open the approach an authority may take in offering a severance payment to chief officers as part of a decision to terminate a contract for any reason. All proposals to award a discretionary compensation payment for redundancy or interests of the efficiency of the service, or a request to waive actuarial reduction of pension costs to the employee, must be constructed as a business case on an appropriate standard template provided by HR. Where the business case relates to those officers listed under paragraph 5.1.1 in all cases the Senior Staff Committee (SSC) will consider the case and will make a recommendation to the Council.
5.4.4 In all other cases delegated authority to exercise discretionary powers under the policy is granted to the appropriate Director/Chief Executive, Section 151 Officer, Head of HR and Head of Law and Governance. However, the Authority will comply with the Welsh Government’s guidance that Full Council should be given the opportunity to vote before ‘large severance packages’ (defined as those valued at £100,000 or more) are approved for staff leaving the organisation, taking into consideration any statutory or contractual entitlements due to the employee and the consequences of a non-approval by Council, in which failure to fulfil statutory or contractual obligations may enable the employee to claim damages for breach of contract.
5.4.5 All termination pay details for all other employees (including teachers) are published on an annual basis as part of the Statement of Accounts ref. 6.2.
5.4.6 The legislation (opens in a new tab) implementing the £95k cap on exit payments came into force on 4 November 2020. However, on 12 February 2021 HM Treasury published a Treasury Direction dis-applying the cap with immediate effect (opens in a new tab).
5.5 The Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (the ‘Panel’)
5.5.1 Section 143A of the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 refers to the Independent Remuneration Panel in Wales (“the IRP”) and sets out their functions in relation to salaries of heads of paid service. The IRP may make recommendations about any policy in this Pay Policy Statement which relates to the salary of the Council’s head of paid service and any proposed change to the salary of the Council’s Head of Paid Service. The Council, will, as required, consult the IRP in relation to any change to the salary of the head of paid service which is not commensurate with a change of the salaries of the Council’s other staff, and will have regard to any recommendation received from the IRP when deciding whether to proceed with making the change.
The Council is required to identify in this pay policy statement whether any such referral has been made to the IRP, and if so, the nature of the referral, the IRP’s decision and the Council’s response. No referral has been made to the IRP during 2023/2024.
6. Publication
6.1 Upon approval by full Council, this statement will be published on the Council’s website.
6.2 In addition, for posts where the full time equivalent pay is at least £60,000 per annum, as required under the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2014, the Council’s Annual Statement of Accounts will include a note setting out the total amount of:
a) Salary, fees or allowances paid to or receivable by the person in the current and previous year;
b) Any bonuses so paid or receivable by the person in the current and previous year;
c) Any sums payable by way of expenses allowance that are chargeable to UK income tax;
d) Any compensation for loss of employment and any other payments connected with termination;
e) Any benefits received that do not fall within the above, and
f) The ratio of the remuneration of the chief executive to the median remuneration of all the Authority’s employees (see also clause 7.5 below)
7. Pay relativities within the Council
7.1 The lowest paid persons employed under a contract of employment with the Council are employed in accordance with the minimum spinal column point (spinal column point 2) of the pay spine set by the NJC for Local Government Services. The value of spinal column point from April 1st 2023 is £11.59[3], as comparators the current Living Wage (over 23s) rate from April 1st 2024 will be £11.44 per hour. The Foundation Living Wage as of November 2023 is £12.
7.2 The NJC Pay Claim for 2024/25 is not yet lodged with LGE employers (as at January 2024). The NJC Trade Unions are seeking to make up ground on austerity and citing local government sector as the lowest paid in the public sector. The sector has avoided wide scale industrial action; ballots for industrial action have not met the 50% threshold on membership required.
7.3 The JNC Settlements for 2023/24 for Chief Officers agreed in May 2023. The Chief Executives 2023/24 settlement agreed November 2023. The individual basic salaries of all officers within scope of both increased by 3.5%.
7.4 The statutory guidance under the Localism Act recommends the use of pay multiples as a means of measuring the relationship between pay rates across the workforce and that of senior managers, as included within the Hutton ‘Review of Fair Pay in the Public Sector’ (2010). The Hutton report was asked by Government to explore the case for a fixed limit on dispersion of pay through a requirement that no public sector manager can earn more than 20 times the lowest paid person in the organisation. The Report concluded that the relationship to median earnings was a more relevant measure and the Government’s Code of Recommended Practice on Data Transparency[4] recommends publication of the ratio between the highest paid salary and the median average salary of the whole of the Authority’s workforce.
7.5 The current pay arrangements within the Council define the multiple between the lowest paid employee (full time equivalent) and the salary level for the post of chief executive and the average chief officer. The figures exclude apprenticeship contracts or those on government schemes within the definition of lowest paid persons.
Pay differential between the average of Chief Officers pay and the lowest paid full-time equivalent employee
- Average Chief Officer Salary - £107,262
- Lowest FTE Salary - £27,366
- Pay Multiple - 4.8
Pay differential between the average of Chief Officers pay and the average pay for a full-time equivalent employee
- Average Chief Officer Salary - £107,262
- Average Salary - £27,301
- Pay Multiple - 3.93
Pay differential between the median of Chief Officers pay and the median pay for a full-time equivalent employee
- Median Chief Officer Salary - £104,686
- Median Salary - £23,893
- Pay Multiple - 4.38
Pay differential between Chief Executive pay and the lowest paid full-time equivalent employee
- C. Exec - £150,922
- Lowest FTE Salary - £22,366
- Pay Multiple - 6.7
Pay differential between Chief Executive pay and the average pay for a full-time equivalent employee
- C. Exec - £150,922
- Average Salary - £27,301
- Pay Multiple - 5.53
Pay differential between Chief Executive pay and the median pay for a full-time equivalent employee
- C. Exec - £150,922
- Median Salary - £23,893
- Pay Multiple - 6.32
7.6 As part of its overall and ongoing monitoring of alignment with external pay markets, both within and outside the sector, the Council will use available benchmark information as appropriate.
8. Accountability and Decision Making
8.1 Within the Constitution of the Council, the setting of salary grades in relation to chief officers is determined by the Senior Staff Committee for posts below £100k per annum, with Council determining salaries of £100k or over per annum. Other terms and conditions for chief officers are determined by the Senior Staff Committee, subject to Council approval.
8.2 The Senior Staff Committee has a role in ensuring that JNC Officers have appropriate performance management frameworks in place.
9. Re-employment
9.1 It is not the practice of the Council to re-engage chief officers who have retired from the Council’s employment; neither is it the practice of the Council to engage on a permanent basis chief officers who have retired from the employment of another Council.
10. Reviewing the Policy
10.1 This policy outlines the current position in respect of pay and reward within the Council and it will be reviewed at least annually to ensure that it meets the principles of fairness, equality, accountability and value for money for the citizens of Pembrokeshire.
Appendix A
Pembrokeshire County Council pay scales applicable to employees covered by the NJC for Local Government Services as at 01.04.2023
NJC rates from April 2023
Grade |
01-Apr-23 (Per annum) |
£ Per hour |
Employees Pension Contribution % |
1 |
1 |
Deleted wef 01 Apr 23 |
Deleted wef 01 Apr 23 |
Deleted wef 01 Apr 23 |
2 |
2 |
£22,366 |
£11.59 |
5.80% |
3 |
3 |
£22,737 |
£11.79 |
5.80% |
4 |
4 |
£23,114 |
£11.98 |
5.80% |
4 |
5 |
£23,500 |
£12.18 |
5.80% |
4 |
6 |
£23,893 |
£12.38 |
5.80% |
5 |
7 |
£24,294 |
£12.59 |
5.80% |
5 |
8 |
£24,702 |
£12.80 |
5.80% |
5 |
9 |
£25,119 |
£13.02 |
5.80% |
5 |
10 |
£25,545 |
£13.24 |
5.80% |
6 |
11 |
£25,979 |
£13.47 |
6.50% |
6 |
12 |
£26,421 |
£13.69 |
6.50% |
6 |
13 |
£26,873 |
£13.93 |
6.50% |
6 |
14 |
£27,334 |
£14.17 |
6.50% |
6 |
15 |
£27,803 |
£14.41 |
6.50% |
6 |
16 |
£28,282 |
£14.66 |
6.50% |
6 |
17 |
£28,770 |
£14.91 |
6.50% |
6 |
18 |
£29,269 |
£15.17 |
6.50% |
7 |
19 |
£29,777 |
£15.43 |
6.50% |
7 |
20 |
£30,296 |
£15.70 |
6.50% |
7 |
21 |
£30,825 |
£15.98 |
6.50% |
7 |
22 |
£31,364 |
£16.26 |
6.50% |
7 |
23 |
£32,076 |
£16.63 |
6.50% |
7 |
24 |
£33,024 |
£17.12 |
6.50% |
8 |
25 |
£33,945 |
£17.59 |
6.50% |
8 |
26 |
£34,834 |
£18.06 |
6.50% |
8 |
27 |
£35,745 |
£18.53 |
6.50% |
8 |
28 |
£36,648 |
£19.00 |
6.50% |
8 |
29 |
£37,336 |
£19.35 |
6.50% |
8 |
30 |
£38,223 |
£19.81 |
6.50% |
9 |
31 |
£39,186 |
£20.31 |
6.50% |
9 |
32 |
£40,221 |
£20.85 |
6.50% |
9 |
33 |
£41,418 |
£21.47 |
6.50% |
9 |
34 |
£42,403 |
£21.98 |
6.80% |
9 |
35 |
£43,421 |
£22.51 |
6.80% |
10 |
36 |
£44,428 |
£23.03 |
6.80% |
10 |
37 |
£45,441 |
£23.55 |
6.80% |
10 |
38 |
£46,464 |
£24.08 |
6.80% |
10 |
39 |
£47,420 |
£24.58 |
6.80% |
11 |
40 |
£48,474 |
£25.13 |
6.80% |
11 |
41 |
£49,498 |
£25.66 |
6.80% |
11 |
42 |
£50,512 |
£26.18 |
6.80% |
11 |
43 |
£51,515 |
£26.70 |
6.80% |
12 |
44 |
£52,516 |
£27.22 |
6.80% |
12 |
45 |
£53,562 |
£27.76 |
8.50% |
12 |
46 |
£54,577 |
£28.29 |
8.50% |
CM |
57 |
£65,986 |
£34.20 |
8.50% |
CM |
59 |
£68,058 |
£35.28 |
8.50% |
CM |
61 |
£70,128 |
£36.35 |
8.50% |
CM |
62 |
£71,163 |
£36.89 |
8.50% |
CM |
63 |
£72,200 |
£37.42 |
8.50% |
Notes: hourly rate calculated by dividing annual salary by 52.143 weeks (which is 365 days divided by 7) and then divided by 37 hours (the standard working week)
SCP 13, 16, 18, 21 are currently not in use.
Appendix B
Pembrokeshire County Council pay scales applicable to the post of chief executive and JNC chief officers as at pay review 01.04.2023-31.03.24
Chief Executive
Increment 1 |
Increment 2 |
Increment 3 |
Increment 4 |
Increment 5 |
120,857 |
123,835 |
126,801 |
129,779 |
132,743 |
Heads of service
Band |
Increment 1 (£) |
Increment 2 (£) |
Increment 3 (£) |
Increment 4 (£) |
Increment 5 (£) |
Band 1 |
105,050 |
107,627 |
110,202 |
112,782 |
115,355 |
Band 2 |
95,355 |
97,685 |
100,016 |
102,355 |
104,686 |
Band 3 |
86,863 |
88,983 |
91,105 |
93,227 |
95,355 |
Band 4 |
80,806 |
82,770 |
84,738 |
86,712 |
88,683 |
Band 5 |
74,738 |
76,557 |
78,377 |
80,192 |
82,013 |
Band 6 |
68,675 |
70,344 |
72,013 |
73,680 |
75,339 |
- The figures shown reflect the 2023-24 national pay awards.
- The individual basic salaries of all officers within scope of the JNC for Chief Officers of local authorities increased by 3.5 per cent with effect from 1 April 2023. (Agreement reached on the 5th May 2023).
- JNC Chief Executives 2023 pay award of 3.5 per cent agreed on 1st November 2023 with effect from 1 April 2023.
- The chief officer salary band 1, 4, 5 and 6 are not currently in use.
- In post are 1 CEO, 1 Assistant Chief Executive, 3 Directors; 13.5 Chief Officers
- The gender split at JNC Chief Officer tier is 5.5 female, 12 male, 1 post vacant.
No. |
Band |
Title |
1 |
C. Exec |
Chief Executive |
2 |
Director |
Director of Resources |
3 |
Director |
Director of Social Services & Housing |
4 |
Director |
Director for Education |
5 |
Director |
Assistant Chief Executive |
6 |
Band 2 |
Head of Infrastructure |
7 |
2 |
Head of Strategic Joint Commissioning (Carms & Pembs) |
8 |
2 |
Head of Economic Development & Regeneration |
9 |
2 |
Head of Law and Governance |
10 |
Band 3 |
Head of Engagement, Performance & Community |
11 |
3 |
Head of Education Improvement and Commissioning |
12 |
3 |
Head of Adult Care |
13 |
3 |
Head of I.C.T |
14 |
3 |
Head of Children's Services |
15 |
3 |
Head of Culture Leisure & Registration Services |
16 |
3 |
Head of Planning (Vacant - acting up arrangement in place) |
17 |
3 |
Head of HR |
18 |
3 |
Head of Financial Services |
19 |
3 |
Head of Housing & Public Protection |
Appendix C
National pay scales for posts within the scope of the Soulbury Agreement
Souldbury officers' pay arrangements 2022 and 2023
The Soulbury Committee has reached agreements on pay awards for 2022 and 2023 on 20th December 2023 which are as follows
- an increase of £1,925 on all spinal column points (SCPs) with effect from 1 September 2022.
- an increase of 4.04 per cent on all allowances with effect from 1 September 2022.
- an increase of 4.0 per cent on all spinal column points with effect from 1 September 2023
- an increase of 3.88 per cent on all allowances with effect from 1 September 2023
- changes to the Soulbury pay spines with effect from 1 September 2023.
In addition to the SCP Structured Professional Assessment (SPA) points are awarded in line with the Soulbury Committee ‘Blue Book’ s.7 Appendix D.
The SPA system creates the potential for each officer’s normal individual pay scale to be extended by up to three further points.
Education Improvement Professionals
01.09.21 |
01.09.22 |
01.09.23 |
1 |
37056 |
38981 |
40540 |
2 |
38383 |
40308 |
41920 |
3 |
39637 |
41562 |
43224 |
4 |
40907 |
42832 |
44545 |
5 |
42168 |
44093 |
45857 |
6 |
43431 |
45356 |
47170 |
7 |
44758 |
46683 |
48550 |
8 |
46035* |
47960* |
49878* |
9 |
47522 |
49447 |
51425 |
10 |
48849 |
50774 |
52805 |
11 |
50158 |
52083 |
54166 |
12 |
51425 |
53350 |
55484 |
13 |
52860** |
54785** |
56976** |
14 |
54140 |
56065 |
58308 |
15 |
55553 |
57478 |
59777 |
16 |
56831 |
58756 |
61106 |
17 |
58113 |
60038 |
62440 |
18 |
59371 |
61296 |
63748 |
19 |
60668 |
62593 |
65097 |
20 |
61338*** |
63263*** |
65794*** |
21 |
62626 |
64551 |
67133 |
22 |
63749 |
65674 |
68301 |
23 |
64985 |
66910 |
69586 |
24 |
66093 |
68018 |
70739 |
25 |
67278 |
69203 |
71971 |
26 |
68434 |
70359 |
73173 |
27 |
69616 |
71541 |
74403 |
28 |
70815 |
72740 |
75650 |
29 |
72016 |
73941 |
76899 |
30 |
73215 |
75140 |
78146 |
31 |
74404 |
76329 |
79382 |
32 |
75611 |
77536 |
80637 |
33 |
76819 |
78744 |
81894 |
34 |
78056 |
79981 |
83180 |
35 |
79291 |
81216 |
84465 |
36 |
80560 |
82485 |
85784 |
37 |
81809 |
83734 |
87083 |
38 |
83071 |
84996 |
88396 |
39 |
84316 |
86241 |
89691 |
40 |
85561 |
87486 |
90985 |
41 |
86811 |
88736 |
92285 |
42 |
88061 |
89986 |
93585 |
43 |
89309 |
91234 |
94883 |
44 |
90564 |
92489 |
96189 |
45 |
91815 |
93740 |
97490 |
46 |
93069 |
94994 |
98794 |
47 |
94327 |
96252 |
100102 |
48 |
95574 |
97499 |
101399 |
49 |
96825 |
98750 |
102700 |
50 |
98079 |
100004 |
104004 |
51 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
108164**** |
52 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
112491**** |
Notes to Educational Improvement Professionals above
Salary scales to consist of not more than four consecutive points based on the duties and responsibilities attaching to posts and the need to recruit and motivate staff.
*normal minimum point for EIP undertaking the full range of duties at this level.
**normal minimum point for senior EIP undertaking the full range of duties at this level.
***normal minimum point for leading EIP undertaking the full range of duties at this level.
****extension to range to accommodate structured professional assessments.
Trainee Educational psychologists
01.09.21 |
01.09.22 |
01.09.23 |
1 |
24970 |
26895 |
Not Applicable |
2 |
26798 |
28723 |
29872 |
3 |
28623 |
30548 |
31770 |
4 |
30453 |
32378 |
33673 |
5 |
32279 |
34204 |
35572 |
6 |
34107 |
36032 |
37473 |
SCP 1 is deleted with SCP 2 the first point of the scale with effect from 1 September 2023.
We currently do not have any employees on this scale
Assistant educational psychologists
01.09.21 |
01.09.22 |
01.09.23 |
1 |
30694 |
32619 |
Not Applicable |
2 |
31948 |
33873 |
35228 |
3 |
33201 |
35126 |
36531 |
4 |
34448 |
36373 |
37828 |
5 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
39341 |
- SCP 1 is deleted with SCP 2 the first point of the scale with effect from 1 September 2023
- An additional point after SCP 4 with effect from 1 September 2023.
We currently do not have any employees on this scale.
Educational psychologists - Scale A
01.09.21 |
01.09.22 |
01.09.23 |
1 |
38865 |
40790 |
42422 |
2 |
40838 |
42763 |
44474 |
3 |
42811 |
44736 |
46525 |
4 |
44782 |
46707 |
48575 |
5 |
46755 |
48680 |
50627 |
6 |
48727 |
50652 |
52678 |
7 |
50584 |
52509 |
54609 |
8 |
52440 |
54365 |
56540 |
9 |
54179 |
56104 |
58348 |
10 |
55921 |
57846 |
60160 |
11 |
57544 |
59469 |
61848 |
12 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
62540* |
13 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
63836* |
14 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
65120* |
We are currently using Scale A: 2-7
Notes to educational psychologists - Scale A above
Salary scales to consist of six consecutive points based on the duties and responsibilities attaching to posts and the need to recruit retain and motivate staff.
*Extension to scale to accommodate structured professional assessment points.
- Three additional SCPs after point 11 with effect from 1 September 2023
- The SCPs added indicate the addition of three pay ranges to the current ranges, namely: A1 – 6, A2 – 7, A3 – 8, A4 – 9, A5 – 10 and A6 – 11
SPA points will not be conflated with range points. This allows those local authorities with recruitment and retention challenges and which have the budgetary flexibility, the option to utilise that additional headroom.
Senior and principal educational psychologists
01.09.21 |
01.09.22 |
01.09.23 |
1 |
48727 |
50652 |
52678 |
2 |
50584 |
52509 |
54609 |
3 |
52440* |
54365* |
56540 |
4 |
54179 |
56104 |
58348 |
5 |
55921 |
57846 |
60160 |
6 |
57544 |
59469 |
61848* |
7 |
58210 |
60135 |
62540 |
8 |
59456 |
61381 |
63836 |
9 |
60690 |
62615 |
65120 |
10 |
61945 |
63870 |
66425 |
11 |
63177 |
65102 |
67706 |
12 |
64431 |
66356 |
69010 |
13 |
65707 |
67632 |
70337 |
14 |
66941** |
68866** |
71621 |
15 |
68235** |
70160** |
72966 |
16 |
69514** |
71439** |
74297 |
17 |
70803** |
72728** |
75637** |
18 |
72090** |
74015** |
76976** |
19 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
80055** |
20 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
83257** |
21 |
Not Applicable |
Not Appicable |
86587** |
We are currently using CP range 2-7 and 5-9
Notes to senior and principal educational psychologists above
Salary scales to consist of not more than four consecutive points based on the duties and responsibilities attaching to posts and the need to recruit retain and motivate staff.
*Normal minimum point for the principal educational psychologist undertaking the full range of duties at this level.
**Extension to range to accommodate discretionary scale points and structured professional assessments
- Three additional SCPs after point 18 with effect from 1 September 2023
Soulbury report amendment
Paragraph 4.6 of the Soulbury Report will be amended to state that main scale educational psychologists are awarded an allowance equivalent to one additional incremental point on Scale A for the duration of supervising assistant educational psychologists as well as for supervising trainee educational psychologists.
Appendix D
Local Government (Early Termination of Employment) (Discretionary Compensation) (England and Wales) Regulations 2006 (as amended)
Discretionary policies in relation to employees of an employing authority that is defined under regulation 2 of The Local Government (Early Termination of Employment) (Discretionary Compensation) (England and Wales) Regulations 2006 (as amended).
Employer discretion
To base redundancy payments on an actual weeks pay where this exceeds the statutory weeks' pay limit
- Regulation: 5*
- Policy: To be based on an actual week's pay
To award a lump sum compensation of up to 104 weeks' pay in cases of redundancy, termination of employment on efficiency grounds, or cessation of a joint appointment
- Regulation: 6*
- Policy: To exercise the discretion by reference to the statutory age/length of service criteria multiplied by a factor of 2.5 (i.e. maximum payment equivalent to 75 weeks' pay).
Notification of Future Change from April 2025.
It is our intention to consult on an amendment to the multiplier in Regulation 6 to 1.5 (i.e. maximum payment equivalent to 45 weeks’ pay)
[2] ‘Salary package’ in this context means the gross salary of the post (at the top point of the relevant grade), plus the value of contractual allowances payable by the authority to the employee, the authority’s contribution to the employee’s pension, and any benefits in kind to which the employee is entitled as a result of their employment.
[3] NJC pay negotiations for April 2024 are not finalised at time of writing.
[4] Local Government: Local Transparency Guidance (opens in a new tab)