Paying for your care and support

Who qualifies for financial help?

The rules for deciding who qualifies for financial help include ‘allowances’ (capital threshold and ‘personal expenses’). These allowances are reviewed annually with changes taking effect from April each year. The value of your home is not taken into account for non-residential care, however second homes or other property will be taken into account.

You can decide not to receive any financial support from the Council, in which case there is no need for you to have a financial assessment. 

If the Adult Care department are paying some or all of the costs of care you can still have a say in which care providers or service you have.

Adult Care will encourage you to source and arrange your own care services. You can choose to receive ‘Direct Payments’, which means that you are given money to buy your own care. This allows you to tailor your care package to suit you.

Age Cymru

The Care Fees Agency 

Can give you help and advice on paying care fees.   


ID: 2154, revised 11/08/2022