Learner Information

Book, pay and enrol online

On this page:

Link your My Account and Learning Pembrokeshire account

Search, book and pay online for a course

Online enrolment form


To use the online booking system you will need a Pembrokeshire County Council My Account - How to register for My Account.

When you have a My Account you need to link it to your Learning Pembrokeshire account. You do not need to have an existing Learning Pembrokeshire learner account.

When you have linked your accounts you can Search, book and pay online for a course.

When you have booked and paid for your course, in a centre or online, you will be able to complete your course enrolment form online.


Link your My Account and Learning Pembrokeshire account

  1. Login to My Account
  2. Click Create Custom Dashboard
  3. Click the Add Widget button on your Dashboard
    1. Select Schools & Learning from the list of Widgets
    2. Select the Learning Pembrokeshire Widget
  4. The Widget will be added to your Dashboard. NB You will need to add to your custom dashboard any other Widgets that you use eg My Council Tax, Cashless Catering. 
  5. Click Link Account

You need to provide some information to help us identify you:

  • Date of birth
  • Surname at 16, if different
  • Learner ID number if you have it

If you are on a class your bookings will show on the My Classes screen.

NB You will need to complete an enrolment form, either online or in your first class.

Log into My Account 


Search, book and pay online for a course

Once you have linked your Learning Pembrokeshire account to My Account you can use your Learning Pembrokeshire widget to manage your bookings:

  • Search for a course
  • Pay course fees

To search for a course, click the Find a Course button

To pay for a course:

  • click the Manage Bookings button
  • click the Pay Balance button or Pay Minimum button (if available)
  • follow the instructions on the payment screen

If you have any problems please contact the Community Learning Centre.


Online enrolment form

You can use your Learning Pembrokeshire widget to complete your course enrolment form.

  1. Click the Manage Bookings button.
  2. Click the Complete Enrolment Form button.
  3. Complete all fields, click Next page to complete each page.
  4. On the last page you will have the option to select the class(es) that you want to enrol on.
  5. Click Complete in the green bar at the bottom.
ID: 11475, revised 20/11/2024