Information Governance
Compliments and Comments
The Council's principle aim is 'customer satisfaction' and if you are pleased with the way we've dealt with you, tell us. We can copy that way of working elsewhere in the Council. Also, if you have an idea of how we could do things better, tell us. We can look into your suggestion to see how this might work better. You can submit your compliment or comment via either of the following routes:
Emailing us:
Completing an online form: Compliment / Comment Form
In writing to: Compliments & Comments, Pembrokeshire County Council, County Hall, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, SA61 1TP
By calling our Contact Centre: 01437 764551
Your compliments will be recorded and passed to the relevant Service Manager to share with the team to ensure that good customer service is acknowledged and recognised. We will consider whether there is wider learning that can be taken from your feedback and share with services as appropriate. We will publish some anonymised compliments and comments, unless you specifically ask us not to. You will receive an acknowledgement within 15 working days to let you know of any further action we are planning to take as a result of your feedback.