Housing Repairs and Maintenance

Welsh Housing Quality Standard

Please refer to the following link for the Welsh Government website, which provides additional detail around the WHQS/MRA

Welsh housing quality standard | GOV.WALES (opens in a new tab)

In 2024/25 Pembrokeshire County Council will receive £4m from the Welsh Government, which will be spent on WHQS Improvement Schemes.

In 2024/25 Pembrokeshire County Council will spend £13.463m on WHQS improvements in total

Major Works – Capital Programme

Each year Pembrokeshire County Council carries out major works for improvement of Council homes. In recent years some of our improvements have included:

  • Full external modernisation and refurbishment to houses
  • Window replacements
  • Kitchen refurbishment’s / upgrades
  • Upgrading of existing central heating systems and boilers
  • Electrical rewiring

Pembrokeshire County Council is dedicated to continuing to improve the condition of Council homes.

Work carried out through planned repairs and the capital programme now follow requirements set out by the Welsh Assembly Government. These requirements are called the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS).

What is the Welsh Housing Quality Standard?

The Welsh Housing Quality Standards are guidelines laid out by the Welsh Assembly Government. The WHQS states that all Council properties must be:

  • In a good state of repair
  • Safe and secure
  • Adequately heated, fuel efficient and well insulated
  • Contain up to date kitchen and bathrooms
  • Located in an attractive environment
  • Suit the specific needs of the household

The Council is committed to continuing to ensure all of its houses meet the required standard.

What has the Council done towards achieving the Welsh Housing Quality Standard?

The Welsh Assembly Government asked all Local Authorities in Wales to put together a programme of work to show how they are planning on meeting the standard. They also asked for business plans which show how the Council will budget for carrying out the work asked for by the standard.

In 2002, independent surveyors carried out a condition survey of our houses. Following this a business plan was put together to confirm how the Council was to bring its homes up to the required standard by 2012.

The Council has carried out the work required to meet the standard, such as fitting gas central heating, showers, new kitchens to properties and external improvements. Homes are continually being improved with those in the highest need being given priority.

ID: 1842, revised 09/09/2024