Guides and Information

What did we plan to do last year?

Last year we identified a range of consultation and engagement activities as listed below.

  • We will continue to engage with the general public, the people we support and providers in regard to our Day Opportunities Services.
  • We will complete employee engagement activities across all services, taking part in a whole organisation employee engagement exercise and identifying areas for improvement with Directorate Focus Groups.
  • We will produce an annual calendar of engagement events for our foster carers.  This will incorporate national, regional and local opportunities for foster carers and staff teams to come together.
  • We will strengthen our local foster carer representatives group to ensure the voices of foster carers are heard
  • We will ensure that our foster carer representatives take a full and active part in working groups and service development opportunities
  • We will demonstrate the range of services on offer and undertake recruitment activities at the County Show in August
  • We will complete a full Play Sufficiency Assessment to identify gaps in play opportunities in Pembrokeshire. The Play Sufficiency Duty comes as part of the Welsh Government's anti-poverty agenda which recognises that children can have a poverty of experience, opportunity and aspiration, and that this kind of poverty can affect children from all social, cultural and economic backgrounds across Wales.
  • We will complete a full childcare sufficiency assessment to identify gaps in childcare in Pembrokeshire.
  • We will complete a West Wales Adult Advocacy Strategy engagement event.  This consultation seeks to solicit opinions regarding adult advocacy services in West Wales. This includes those who engage with advocacy services, advocates, advocacy organisations, health/social care practitioners, statutory commissioners and other relevant third sector organisations.  The thoughts and opinions from this engagement will feed directly into the regional adult advocacy strategy which is scheduled to be published in early Autumn 2022.
  • We will hold the Pembrokeshire Spotlight Awards to recognise and celebrate children and young people who achieve exceptional things and make a real difference. It is a joint venture between The Children & Young People’s Rights Office and Children’s Services within Pembrokeshire County Council.
ID: 9551, revised 19/10/2023