Guides and Information
Guides and Information
Learning Disabilities
- A Guide to Assessment, for people with Learning Disabilities
- Help for people with Learning Disabilities
Residential or Nursing Care Homes
Paying for Care and Support
- Additional Cost Contribution Factsheet
- Paying for Care and Support Factsheet
- Social Services Fees and Charges
- Social Services Charging Policy
ID: 2614, revised 07/05/2024
Annual Report of the Statutory Director of Social Services
As the Director of Social Services for Pembrokeshire County Council I am delighted to present this report that demonstrates how we have delivered improvements to enhance the well-being of people who have accessed our services during 2023/24.
In 2023/24, Social Services faced a number of challenges in relation to demand, capacity to respond and an increase in complexity of need. These challenges set the context for Social services priorities for 2024/25.
Annual Report of the Statutory Director of Social Services - 2023-24 (opens in a new tab)
ID: 2596, revised 11/11/2024