Digital Services


Our Track-it service allows you to track the progress of your online requests and reports, meaning you are kept informed every step of the way.


Introducing Track-iT video (opens in a new tab)

We ran a pilot of our Track-it service using our ‘report a streetlight’ function, and the plan is to then roll this out across our other services.

Services using Track-it

Report a streetlight

If you need to report a streetlight (opens in a new tab), you can try out our Track-it service.


Track-iT: How to report a broken streetlight video (opens in a new tab)


Submit your streetlight report, and receive progress updates via email, and the ‘my active requests’ widget on your My Account dashboard.

 ‘My active requests’ allows you to monitor the progress of your report in real time.

To activate the widget just follow our simple how to guide:


Track-iT: How to add the My Active Requests widget (opens in a new tab)


Let us know what you think

We would love to hear about your experience of using Track-it

Please complete our short feedback survey (opens in a new tab). It will only take a few minutes.


Further support

For help and support with Track-it please contact:

If you have any technical issues while using Track-it please use the ‘report a bug (opens in a new tab)’ form

ID: 8988, revised 24/05/2024