Business Rates
Explanatory information for supply with rate demands
Explanatory notes
The information given below explains some of the terms which may be used on a non-domestic rate demand and in the supporting information. Further information about liability to non-domestic rates may be obtained from billing authorities.
Non-domestic rates
The non-domestic rates collected by billing authorities are paid into a central pool and redistributed to county and county borough councils and police and crime commissioners. Your council and police and crime commissioner use their share of redistributed rate income, together with income from their council tax payers, revenue support grant provided by the Welsh Ministers and certain other sums, to pay for the services they provide. Further information about the non-domestic rates system, including what reliefs are available may be obtained via Business Wales
Rateable value
The rateable value of non-domestic property is fixed in most cases by an independent valuation officer of the Valuation Office Agency which is an Executive Agency of Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC). They compile and maintain a full list of the rateable values of all non-domestic properties in Wales, available on their website at GOV.UK. All non-domestic property is normally revalued every 5 years.
From 1 April 2023 the rateable value of a property represents its annual open market rental value as at 1 April 2021. For composite properties which are partly domestic and partly non-domestic the rateable value relates to the non-domestic part only. The values of all property in respect of which rates are payable to your authority are shown in the local rating list, a copy of which may be inspected at GOV.UK
All rateable values are reassessed at a general revaluation to ensure rates paid by any one ratepayer reflect changes overtime in the value of their property relative to others. This helps maintain fairness in the rating system by updating valuations in line with changes in the market. The current rating list came into effect on 1 April 2023 and is based on values as at 1 April 2021.
In the year a revaluation takes effect, the multiplier is rebased to account for overall changes to total rateable value and to ensure that the revaluation does not raise extra money.
The VOA is contacting businesses to request rental information to support the next revaluation of business rates in England and Wales – Revaluation 2023.
If you receive a request, please complete and submit your up-to-date details. It is important to provide this information to ensure business rates are fair and accurate. You can find more information at GOV.UK
Alteration of rateable value
The rateable value may alter if the valuation officer believes that the circumstances of the property have changed. The ratepayer (and certain others who have an interest in the property) may also in certain circumstances propose a change in value. Further information about how to propose a change in a rateable value is available from the Valuation Office Agency.
Non-domestic rating multiplier
This is the rate in the pound by which the rateable value is multiplied to give the annual rate bill for a property. The multiplier set annually by the Welsh Ministers is the same for the whole of Wales.
Proposals and appeals
The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) values all business properties for business rates. The valuation is based on information the VOA holds about your property. You can view and update this information at VOA.
You can contact the VOA. If you are unable to use the online service you can also contact the VOA on 03000 505 505.
The Valuation Tribunal for Wales provides a free independent appeals service dealing with appeals about Non-Domestic Rates and Council Tax. Their contact details can be found at Valuation Tribunal for Wales.
Unoccupied property rating
Owners of unoccupied non-domestic properties may be liable to empty property rates which are charged at 100 per cent of the normal liability. Liability begins after the property has been empty for 3 months or, in the case of certain industrial properties, after the property has been empty for 6 months. Certain types of property are exempt from empty property rates.
Charitable and discretionary relief
Charities and community amateur sports clubs are entitled to 80% relief from rates on any non-domestic property where -
(a) in the case of charities, the property is wholly or mainly used for charitable purposes, or
(b) in the case of a club, the club is registered with HM Revenue & Customs.
Billing authorities have discretion to remit all or part of the remaining 20 per cent of the bill on such property and can also give relief in respect of property occupied by certain bodies not established or conducted for profit.
For more information regarding clubs you should contact HM Revenue & Customs, Charities, Savings and International 2, BX9 1BU
Small business rate relief
The Non-Domestic Rating (Small Business Relief) (Wales) Order 2017 (as amended) makes provision for rates relief for small businesses. Full details including the eligibility criteria, the exceptions, the procedural requirements and the relevant rates reliefs are available from the billing authority.
Transitional rate relief
The Non-Domestic Rating (Chargeable Amounts) (Wales) Regulations 2022 make provision for transitional relief for small businesses adversely impacted by the revaluation of non-domestic hereditaments taking effect from 1 April 2023. Full details including the eligibility criteria, the exceptions, the procedural requirements and the relevant rates reliefs are available from the billing authority.