Biodiversity and Ecosystem Resilience Duty 2022
Appendix 1 – Authority Directorates Consulted on Biodiversity Impacts
Directorate |
Team |
Conservation Champion |
Template response |
Meeting Requested |
Community Services |
Property Team |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Community Services |
Infrastructure |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Community Services |
Culture, Leisure & Registration Services |
Y |
- |
- |
Community Services |
Corporate policy & Partnerships |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Community Services |
Economic Development & Regeneration |
- |
- |
- |
Community Services |
Environmental services & Public Protection |
- |
- |
- |
Education |
Education |
- |
- |
- |
Education |
Engagement, Performance & Community |
- |
- |
- |
Resources |
Human Resources |
Y |
- |
- |
Resources |
Y |
- |
- |
Resources |
Procurement & Customer services |
Y |
Specific discussions with team |
- |
Resources |
Finance |
Y |
- |
- |
Social Services & Housing |
Performance & Business Support |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Social Services & Housing |
Performance & Business Support |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Social Services & Housing |
Building Maintenance/ Housing |
Y |
Y |
- |
Social Services & Housing |
Adult Care |
- |
- |
- |
Social Services & Housing |
Joint Strategic Commissioning |
- |
- |
- |
Social Services & Housing |
Childrens Services |
- |
- |
- |
Appendix 2 - Summary of Objectives and Action Themes
NRAP Wales Objective
Objective 1: Engage and support participation and understanding to embed biodiversity throughout decision making at all levels.
NRAP Pembrokeshire Action Themes
1.1 Programme of education and awareness raising activities accessible to the public and including events, newsletters, social media and press releases.
1.2 Work with public bodies to embed biodiversity in decision making.
1.3 Work with the private sector to embed biodiversity in decision making.
1.4 Work with specialist interest groups to improve understanding of the conservation status and ecological role of specific features.
1.5 Work with communities and landowners to highlight conservation features in their area and encourage their consideration in site management.
NRAP Wales Objective
Objective 2: Safeguard species and habitats of principal importance and improve their management.
NRAP Pembrokeshire Action Themes
2.1 Provide clear, publically accessible information on the species and habitats of importance in Pembrokeshire, identifying status, trend, threats and opportunities.
2.2 Assist partners in identifying, developing and delivering actions to safeguard species and habitats of importance in Pembrokeshire.
NRAP Wales Objective
Objective 3: Increase the resilience of our natural environment by restoring degraded habitats and habitat creation.
NRAP Pembrokeshire Action Themes
3.1 Assist partners in identifying, developing and delivering actions to increase the resilience of our natural environment by restoring degraded habitats and habitat creation in Pembrokeshire.
NRAP Wales Objective
Objective 4: Tackle key pressures on species and habitats.
NRAP Pembrokeshire Action Themes
4.1 Work with site owners and site managers to reduce the fragmentation of habitats, setting individual actions in the broader, landscape scale context through initiatives such as B-Lines, the Long Forest and the Reconnecting Welsh Dragons project and others as they arise.
4.2 Increase resilience of species, habitats and ecosystems to the effects of climate change through improving the condition, extent and ecological connectivity of our nature-rich areas.
4.3 Encourage the use of natural solutions such as reed beds, buffer strips and contour hedge planting to reduce diffuse pollution and soil erosion.
4.4 Encourage the development and adoption of voluntary codes of conduct to manage the use of our environment within sustainable limits.
4.5 Encourage collaborative projects to tackle Invasive Non Native Species (INNS) at appropriate scales such as river catchments.
NRAP Wales Objective
Objective 5: Improve our evidence, understanding and monitoring.
NRAP Pembrokeshire Action Themes
5.1 Work with West Wales Biodiversity Information Centre to provide high quality data on the distribution of habitats and species and develop tools to use this data in order to identify and target conservation opportunities.
5.2 Support volunteer surveys by providing access to advice, training, equipment and signposting to citizen science initiatives.
NRAP Wales Objective
Objective 6: Put in place a framework of governance and support for delivery.
NRAP Pembrokeshire Action Themes
6.1 Provide a strong local partnership to act as an interface between local delivery partners and Welsh Government / Natural Resources Wales.
Appendix 3 – Questionnaire Responses
Resources Directorate - Procurement & Customer Services
Objective 2: Safeguard species and habitats of principal importance and improve their management
Actions being undertaken:
- Procurement strategy is being reviewed and best practices shared with staff.
- Tenders to be phosphate free – cleaning products/ detergents/ weed killer.
Actions to undertake:
- Use WG biodiversity toolkit and website for procurement.
Objective 4: Tackle key pressures on species and habitats
Actions to undertake:
- Aim to be phosphate free.
Education Directorate – No responses received
Social Services & Housing Directorate - Housing
Objective 1: Engage and support participation and understanding to embed biodiversity throughout decision making at all levels.
Actions being undertaken:
- Enviro surveys are done prior to maintenance activities taking place where it is believed there are wildlife impacts on housing and commercial /public buildings such as bat surveys, we are engaged with Trevor Theobald on this.
- All employees are briefed via 1:1s on the impacts of biodiversity and how it affects building maintenance
Actions to undertake:
- Further embed biodiversity thinking into day to day activities within building maintenance team.
Objective 2: Safeguard species and habitats of principal importance and improve their management
Actions being undertaken:
- Installation of bat boxes and bird boxes being considered at strategic points, funding to be confirmed for this and wider strategy. For new builds these are included as part of the planning applications
Actions to undertake:
- Acquire funding for bird and bat boxes and request detailed surveys from others as to where these should go
- Through WHQS standard (currently under review with Welsh Government) understand and facilitate the wider water saving initiatives, and carbon savings, e.g. water butts, reed beds, planting trees etc.
Objective 3: Increase the resilience of our natural environment by restoring degraded habitats and habitat creation
Actions being undertaken:
- Habitat side of things managed by Parks & Area Maintenance side of the Council
- From a Procurement perspective we ensure sustainable routes are used where possible, e.g. Procurement of sustainable timber
Actions to undertake:
- Continued engagement through wider Procurement when procuring contracts for building maintenance works
- Fencing we will look to incorporate species walkways when installing solid fencing. This has been trialled for hedgehog walkways and consideration is not being given to adopt this into our maintenance spec.
Objective 4: Tackle key pressures on species and habitats
Actions being undertaken:
- Consideration given in all new build circumstances and part of capital project pre-surveys
Actions to undertake:
- Look at PPR and capital programme and look to incorporate installation of bird / bat boxes when we upgrade property exteriors
Objective 5: Improve our evidence, understanding and monitoring
Actions being undertaken:
- Records to be kept of where we have installed bird boxes and bat boxes to date to ensure others within the Council Conservation Dept can do monitoring
- Potential through social media to engage public and schools and children at local levels
- Engagement of existing workforce through volunteering to carry out monitoring of wider species and habitats. Members of our team volunteer. E.g. Cardigan Bay Marine Protection Area and monitoring of species e.g. dolphins and seals
Actions to undertake:
- Compile documentation of where we have installed bird and bat boxes to date or are aware they have been found. Keep future records
- Further engage team and promote volunteering activities, link through wellbeing initiative and team 1:1s
Objective 6: Put in place a framework of governance and support for delivery
Actions being undertaken:
- Develop an additional delivery document to be included within day to day maintenance activities and capital projects where applicable
- Wider engagement of workforce within Wellbeing to volunteer for Conservation activities
Actions to undertake:
- Work with others to ensure wider governance includes building maintenance activities
Social Services & Housing Directorate - Performance and Business Support
Objective 1: Engage and support participation and understanding to embed biodiversity throughout decision making at all levels.
Actions to undertake:
- Development of community growing project in Parc Cerrig Goodwick with expectation participation from the public and local schools.
- Wellbeing Earthday events planned with traditional skills sharing (woodworking and wood crafts).
Objective 3: Increase the resilience of our natural environment by restoring degraded habitats and habitat creation
Actions being undertaken:
- Scolton Manor ground maintenance to include log and habitat piles, hedge row connectivity, bat,bug and bird boxes.
Community Services Directorate - Infrastructure
Objective 1: Engage and support participation and understanding to embed biodiversity throughout decision making at all levels.
Actions being undertaken:
- Structural/Civil Engineering Team & Others– involve in-house ecologist expert for an initial assessment on any potential biodiversity conservation.
- Countryside Officers to engage and give regular tool box talks to contractors.
- Proactive promotion of invasive weed management
- Proactive working engagement with NRW
- Promote and challenge ecology report detailing concerns / issues with contractors, encourage feedback and inputs.
- Path Management to carry out an enviro walk through assessment before works start.
- Engage PCC ecologist
- Engage with NRW specialists and discuss and complete permitting requirements
- Check and review legislative requirements for project area ( SSSI, SAC)
- Bridges and culverts to assess and follow legislation and carry out enviro assessment of site.
- Build in Biodiversity improvements such as bird / bat boxes under structures
- Closer proactive working with contractors, via whatsapp, tool box talks, encouraging innovation.
- Putting projects through a design team in order to reduce risk / maintenance and also add environmental value.
- Increased collaboration within wider division input, drawing on skills and skills from other officers.
Actions to undertake:
- Structural/Civil Engineering Team – When coming up with a design concept we should have biodiversity a core element to be incorporated into the design, not just maintain or move habitats and ecosystems but go beyond and enhance/create new ones.
- Coastal & Rivers Engineer –SuDS including rainwater harvesting and green roofs are to be incorporated in the design of new / re- development areas.
- Countryside Officers – Transparent collaborative working with PCNP, NRW, NT, WWWT.
Objective 2: Safeguard species and habitats of principal importance and improve their management
Actions being undertaken:
- Structural/Civil Engineering Team – A full ecological survey (If required) by an independent specialist conducts a report and provides findings with recommendations on protecting habitats/protected species located within development, or potential habitats.
- Coastal & Rivers Engineer – A full ecological survey and / or Environmental Impact Assessment by an independent specialist conducts a report and provides findings with recommendations on protecting habitats/protected species located within development, or potential habitats.
- Manage timing of vegetation cuts via with toolbox talks
- Use physical flags for warnings of specific habitats of interest within project area.
- Carry out surveys for birds, bats and any flora or fungi present ( several sites have a national rare species)
- Manage tree safe decline or pollard to allow safe standing dead wood habitat.
- Add biodiversity gain by carrying out targeted coppicing if permissions allow.
- Engage with partners / NRW Forestry section. Local wildlife trust and tree / ecologist as required.
- Ensure pipe and culverts are installed below water beds allow natural uninterrupted stream bed for natural regen.
- Coastal adaptation Task and Finish groups, with one specifically looking at the Natural Environment, to allow community engagement.
Objective 3: Increase the resilience of our natural environment by restoring degraded habitats and habitat creation
Actions being undertaken:
- Structural/Civil Engineering Team – Following advice from report, we implement measures to sustain or create habitats/plant life that needs to be moved or replaced or even introduce new biodiversity in an effort to enhance the location for both ecosystem and general wellbeing of residence that will reside in new development.
- Coastal & Rivers Engineer –SuDS including rainwater harvesting, green roofs and permeable paving are to be incorporated in the design of new / re- development areas.
- Add biodiversity management through good practices, habitat piles, leave dead wood, build in conservation cuts if beneficial.
- Assess replanting / natural regen Opportunities
- Coastal & Rivers Engineer – Coastal adaptation, in line with the Shoreline Management Plan (SMP), where a policy unit changes from (for example) hold the line to managed realignment.
Actions to undertake:
- Structural/Civil Engineering Team – Requesting advise on creating new habitats for best suited biodiversity based on site location for the option to create new habitats, ecosystems
Objective 4: Tackle key pressures on species and habitats
Actions being undertaken:
- Structural/Civil Engineering Team – Based on ecology reports/initial surveys, any new development that constricts habitat and travel of existing or potential wildlife is considered with layouts and landscaping.
- Introduction of tunnels/passageways if needs be
- Coastal & Rivers Engineer - Habitat surveys carried out in proposed development areas to ensure tunnels / runs / flight paths are catered for.
- Monitor and update invasive weed management and containment practices.
Objective 5: Improve our evidence, understanding and monitoring
Actions being undertaken:
- Structural/Civil Engineering Team – we are constantly advised with regards to any biodiversity matters for sites and pick up on things to look out for in future developments and implement at the early stages of a projects development. Our in-house conservation team provide information for us to learn and be mindful of in our designs.
- Coastal & Rivers Engineer - Involve in-house ecologist expert for an initial assessment on any potential biodiversity conservation.
- Use of technology to create GPS of site for site management reports.
Objective 6: Put in place a framework of governance and support for delivery
Actions being undertaken:
- Structural/Civil Engineering Team – Within RIBA plan of work stage 1, a process generally followed as guidance for all projects for architects, project engineers and engineers. Sustainability, Surveying and conducting full site investigations prior to principle design is taken place for all aspects to be taken into account, including ecology.
- Structural/Civil Engineering Team – Sustainability (including the Wales Future Generations Act), surveying and conducting full site investigations prior to principle design is taken place for all aspects to be taken into account, including ecology.
- Follow transparent tree risk assessment regime that reduces PCC risk liability but also has positive biodiversity outcomes.
Community Services Directorate - Policy & Partnership
Objective 1: Engage and support participation and understanding to embed biodiversity throughout decision making at all levels.
Actions being undertaken:
- Revised Integrated Impact Assessment to reflect key requirements of the Environment Act.
- Undertake engagement and support participation in the development of the Well-being Assessment and Plan for Pembrokeshire, which addresses the requirements of the Well-being of Future Generations Act
Actions to undertake:
- Support services to improve the quality of information provided as part of Integrated Impact Assessments.