Biodiversity and Ecosystem Resilience Duty 2022
Identifying Divisional Actions
Presentation on the “S6 Biodiversity Duty and Partnership Working” to PCC “Extended Leadership Team” comprising Chief Executive, Directors, and Heads of Service in January 2022. Heads of Services were asked to nominate a Conservation Champion who would liaise with the Biodiversity Officer and Conservation Assistant to identify activities within their service that have the potential to impact/maintain/enhance biodiversity (Appendix 1). Following this, a questionnaire was sent to the Champions or Heads of Service where a named person was not supplied. The questionnaire was guided by the 6 objectives of the Nature Recovery Action Plan for Wales (NRAP, Appendix 2) which have been recognised to contribute to reversing the decline of biodiversity in Wales.
- Engage and support participation and understanding to embed biodiversity throughout decision making at all levels.
- Safeguard species and habitats of principle importance and improve their management.
- Increase the resilience of our natural environment by restoring degraded habitats and habitat creation.
- Tackle key pressures on species and habitats
- Improve our evidence, understanding and monitoring.
- Put in place a framework of governance and support for delivery.
Upon receiving questionnaire responses (Annex 3), individual meetings with the conservation champions and the Biodiversity Officer were held to discuss responses and to provide an opportunity for further support from the conservation team.