Adopted Local Development Plan

Section 106 Agreements

Section 106 Agreements and Affordable Housing

Planning obligations under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended), commonly known as S106 agreements, are a mechanism which make a development proposal acceptable in planning terms, that would not otherwise be acceptable. An agreement is made with the local planning authority in which you agree to pay money or provide affordable housing in order to get planning permission. Sometimes what is called a unilateral agreement is used. Unilateral Agreements are almost identical to Section 106 Agreements. They are sometimes referred to as unilateral undertakings.

Section 106 agreements from both County Council and Pembrokeshire Coast National Park planning applications are managed and monitored by the County Council's Planning Obligations Monitoring Officer, who can be contacted by email:

Affordable Housing Contributions Map

Affordable housing contributions from both National Park and County Council planning applications are managed and monitored by the link below opens an interactive map, which aims to provide transparency on the collection and use of monetary affordable housing contributions. The map represents each contribution as a 'spend area' in terms of community council's coverage; is broken down into what has been spent and what has not; and provides details (where applicable) of how a contribution has been spent. The map is collaboration between the National Park Authority and the County Council and details contributions from planning applications submitted to both planning authorities. The map will be developed over time as new applications come in and contributions from previous applications have been spent.

A framework to determine the use of contributions received for affordable housing was agreed by PCCs Cabinet on the 22nd February 2016. A copy of the report is available here:

Affordable Housing Cabinet Report 2016

PCNPA Interactive Affordable Housing map (opens in a new tab)

Section 106 Contributions Received 1st April 2016 – 31st March 2017

Section 106 Contributions Received 1st April 2017 - 31st March 2018

Section 106 Contributions Received 1st April 2018 - 31st March 2019

Section 106 Contributions Received 1st April 2019 - 31st March 2020

Section 106 Contributions Received 1st April 2020 - 31st March 2021

Section 106 Contributions Received 1st April 2021 - 31st March 2022

Section 106 Contributions Received 1st April 2022 - 31st March 2023

Information is available on Section 106 Contributions Received 1st April 2023 - 31st March 2024




Please note that the amounts in the above reports do not include contributions received from the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Section 106 Agreements.

ID: 2602, revised 27/11/2024